tydom2MQTT addon :D - Delta Dore Tydom to MQTT Broker

Can you have a look of

And tell me if something is wrong in my conversion ?

The plugin :.

  • start :slight_smile:
  • handle all value within hass sensor configuration
  • retrieve automatically dependencies
  • click and installation compatible with hacs

Sensor configuration :

- platform: Tydom2MQTT
  tydomMAC: ""
  tydomIP: ""
  tydomPassword: ""
  mqttIP: ""
  mqttPort: 1883

Thanks a lot.

Édit :slight_smile:

It seems working !!!


Good job !!! I can’t test it for now, but does it restart the script when exiting ?

For the moment, I see mqtt message but there not read by home assistant (next step).

Next-step :

  • plug mqtt : home assistant : DONE
  • handle “crash” (I comment all ndNotify)

If you want to contribute, it would be a great idea ;-),
Maybe I could propose a merge request (all credit goes to you)

I updated the readme to be “plug and play”

i tested :

  • alarme : OK
  • cover : OK
  • hacs compatibility : OK
  • depedencies auto installation : OK


  • code cleaning.
  • error handling
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Do you have the same problems, after hass restart , I need to move cover or changer alarm state to be “actionable” with home assistant ?

Nope, it’s perfect here :slight_smile: I don’t have much time these days, I will test your version soon !

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Hey :slight_smile:

Did you have time to test the plugin conversion of your code ?
Maybe can I propose a pull-request?

Need some working to be fully operational but everything is more integrating in hass. (Configuration in hass /hacs compatible so easy update for people)

I tested your plugin using HACS. Installation works fine, but when i put the sensor config in my configuration.yaml i have some errors:

[CONNACK] 0x87

22:48:46 – custom_components/Tydom2MQTT/sensor.py (WARNING) - message survenu pour la première fois à 22:13:25 et apparu 47001 fois.

Setup of platform Tydom2MQTT is taking longer than 60 seconds. Startup will proceed without waiting any longer.

22:14:25 – Capteur (ERROR)

Do you have more logs ?

@max5962 Does it help you?
2020-03-05 09:13:45 WARNING (SyncWorker_3) [gmqtt.mqtt.handler] [CONNACK] 0x87

Not really as everything is in tydom mqtt code writed by @WiwiWillou .
@WiwiWillou do I propose a merge request ?

Hey guys sorry, I really don’t have a lot of time to power on the computer these days… It seems MQTT don’t connect 1sta doesn’t create “Capteur”, but if font have anything called in code, did you change something ?

Be sure to sync with last updated, I fixed on the go some bugs…

@max5962 you can do your own project forked, I don’t know how to merge on giving yet and don’t have time :frowning:

The must could be to remove the MQTT part an relieve with a true and clean HASS integration.


You are right, MQTT must be removed :slight_smile:
i will try to sync your commit with my repos ( not easy as i change all logs ) and remove systemD parts.

Can you post your mqtt configuration in home assistant
and post a test of an connection to it (mqtt brocker ) ?

the data flow is

hass -> tydom -> hass -> mQTT -> hass

the mqtt part must be remove in the next release.

I think that the reason of my error is because i dont allow anonymous connexion to my mosquitto broker. I tested the connexion using a ssh ans every thing worked well.
I like the idea of not using mqtt. Maybe @bzzoiro can help you with that. I will ne more than happy to help you but i dont know much about python, websocket, and how to create a custom component.
I watched one of frenck stream where he did a full integration in 4 hours.

Hey :slight_smile:
I know but Frenck is a dev Monster. (I’m not ^^)
If @bzzoiro can help us it’s a good idea ! :slight_smile:


Can someone help me. I’ve installed HASS on RaspebryPi 3 and MQTT MOSQUITTO but i don’t understand how to link the file that I’ve download on Github with my MQTT broker.
I’m turning arround since 2 day without result.
Thanks a lot

Hey have you downloaded my or Wiwiwilou version ?

I take the wiwiwilou version and put it in /local/tydom directory.

Do you fill the property file with your credentials and the mqtt broker ?