I cannot see how that differs from https://github.com/home-assistant/core/blob/aec191b55819f18320ec6c11ee731250151e6a64/tests/fixtures/uk_transport_bus.json ?
They are not the same: See “id” : null and “dir” : null in my call. Not sure if this effects my call
Copy of my deleveloper tab below
[sensor.next_bus_direction](http://fisherhassio.duckdns.org:8123/developer-tools/state#) unavailable friendly_name: Next bus direction
[sensor.next_bus_estimated](http://fisherhassio.duckdns.org:8123/developer-tools/state#) unavailable friendly_name: Next bus estimated
[sensor.next_bus_route](http://fisherhassio.duckdns.org:8123/developer-tools/state#) unavailable friendly_name: Next bus route
[sensor.next_bus_scheduled](http://fisherhassio.duckdns.org:8123/developer-tools/state#) unavailable friendly_name: Next bus scheduled
[sensor.next_bus_to_reading_station](http://fisherhassio.duckdns.org:8123/developer-tools/state#) unknown atcocode: 035085420001 locality: Woodley stop_name: Sunderland Close request_time: 2020-11-09T14:51:54+00:00 next_buses: unit_of_measurement: min friendly_name: Next bus to Reading Station icon: mdi:bus
Surely this is the issue
Not sure. Still using the same atcode and thats why api gives a response. That whay i suspect something has happened to the API. Not sure where to go from here
I could not see anything on the api docs that indicates a change. Also nobody else has reported any issues. I suggest you try another atcocode
Hi there is a code problem. If you look at my API response the Atcode is found. Not sure then whay the code is coming back with atcode not found in the developer tool?
If you are able to create one, a unit test to reproduce the problem is the first step, should be straightforward
Hi Rob
Not sure what you mean. The api call works but the developer tool doesnt.
Not sure why the sensor is not pulling through the atcocode?
Please create an issue on the HA repo with all the info. Might have time to look into it, however this integration really requires a thorough refactor
Sorry for the nothing post but I want to confirm what I’m thinking it is.
I’m using the Bus element of the component, when you put in the below. I’m assuming destination applies to the “Final” destination of the routes that pass through the outgoing stop.
The issue I’m having is that several buses pass through the area but don’t end their journeys there, as such I’m only being shown 1 bus that goes through, but my minute counter that I have is showing the next bus regardless of number bus.
* platform: uk_transport
app_id: !secret TransportID
app_key: !secret TransportAPI
* mode: bus
origin: xxx
destination: romford
does this still work for Buses?
im trying to get the times for my local bus but nothing is showing up:
"atcocode": "4400WO0122",
"smscode": "wsxdmtgm",
"request_time": "2021-07-19T00:35:09+01:00",
"name": "Cissbury Road",
"stop_name": "Cissbury Road",
"bearing": "W",
"indicator": "before",
"locality": "Broadwater, Worthing",
"location": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"departures": {}
can you share your YAML to get the bus times? i only seem to be able to pull back the next bus in my YAML only, not all the other buses that day for some reason