Unable to configure a widget

yea now we need to figure out why HA did not complain about it missing completely :slight_smile:

Edit: to answer my own question the description is not required for fields: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/blob/bbbc3a5f500a4df85441e89239c779f82a60a97e/homeassistant/components/script/__init__.py#L70

Will submit a fix for this in the app so it doesn’t happen in the future. Also looks like we were not logging the actual error here so adding that as well which would’ve helped point us in the right direction faster :slight_smile:

Edit 2: PR to fix the issue so services load: https://github.com/home-assistant/android/pull/1458

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I’m running into the same error with it not being able to load service data to configure a widget.

Here is some of my logs:

It looks like the stream assist integration may be interfering but I have disabled it with no change. Maybe I need to try deleting it.

Yes it does appear that something about this integration interferes and it has to be deleted entirely for the widgets to be able to work again.