Unable to connect to frontend

All my automations are now working. Thanks for all your help.

I’m now trying to work out from all the various posts about how to upgrade Python. It looks very confusing reading through the posts. The terminology used (such as Vens and docker) and not knowing what they mean etc. I’m such a newbie. :slight_smile:

When I first came across HA, I just followed the instructions from a post (can’t remember where now) and fumbled through various things like getting it to scan for devices on my Fritz box and Vera Hub, and doing things like trying to resolve issues like this one over the past week mean I’m not sure I can remember how I got here.

So now I’m looking at threads like this one - Upgrade Python 3.5.3 to 3.7.3 successfully but HA still shows Python 3.5.3 - and finding it confusing as to what the actual steps are.

I was told in another thread that perhaps I should be using Hass.IO and so I found this YouTube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cr_HCM5Qnls - but the guy hasn’t put up part 2 etc as he mentions he’s working on his website which compliments his tutorials. If he had, I was thinking of just starting from scratch since I’ve “experimented” in adding cards etc, broken things, fixed things and generally fumbled my way through but still confused by everything.

Anyway, I can now access the front end. My daytime and nighttime “there’s someone at the door” triggers work. Just got to work on Python and why my security certificates didn’t auto renew and required me to manually do it, or just give it a break and think about installing Hass.io.

Thanks again everyone for your help.

That is great news Max :grinning:

I used to run Hassbian but moved over to Hassio when the python version started to become an issue. It was rather painless as you can pretty much just copy over your current config and it mostly works.

With the snapshots and the addons I think this is the best way for new or experienced peeps to play around and automate their homes.

In the middle of last year when I first came across Hassbian on YouTube and could see all the cool things it could do, I got excited, bought a Pi and tried it out.

Unfortunately it’s not super friendly for novices to end up with beautiful front ends. I’ve seen videos where people have tablets with nice wallpapers with weather info, and tabs/pages for different rooms in their house to control devices and even using a map of their homes (HA-Floorplan).

I heard about Lovelace and tried to run that side-by-side to Hassbian, but as mentioned, all this experimenting means I forgot how I got what I’ve got.

I think I’ll give Hass.IO a go. I will just wait until Ben (the YouTuber mentioned above) puts up the remainder of the instructions.

His videos have kind of stopped although he did make a brief appearance a few months ago. Dr Zzs seems to have taken over the mantle and does plenty of videos that should help you get up and running. Take a look at his youtube site I linked above :wink:

Thanks. I have seen a few Dr Zz’s videos. It was one of his that got me using Life360 when I bought my daughter a phone for Christmas last year (she just turned 11) and I used his video to put an icon at the top showing if she’s home or away and using zones etc.

Even without using it for HA, I’m glad he taught me about Life360 as it’s been great for when my daughter is not with me (sleepovers, etc) as I can check she’s ok and where she is. In this day and age, it gives a parent some peace of mind.

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Did you download a Hassbian image and install it on a blank SD card or did you already have the Raspbian OS on your SD card and just follow installation instructions from the Home Assistant documentation page.

If it’s the former there’s Hassbian scripts available that will upgrade your version of Python and update you to the latest version of HA.

If it’s the latter there’s a post that has been made over the last week or so that gives you copy/paste instructions on how to achieve similar results. Just search the forum for Python Upgrade to see it.

This is how it was installed.

I gather I just follow this - hassbian-scripts/docs/suites/python.md at dev · home-assistant/hassbian-scripts · GitHub - and simply PuTTY in and run the command:

sudo hassbian-config upgrade python

I guess what throws me (and probably other newbies like me who don’t understand what various terms imply) is that is says it will create a new virtual environment? What does that mean to us as a user? Do we still PuTTY in as usual? Do we still have the same front end? What changes do we need to make to our use of HA when it moves to a virtual environment?

What I guess I’m saying was that if the post had simply said “upgrade Python by running this command”, I would have gone ahead and done it.

The virtual environment comment worried me that it would change how I need to interact with it (to do updates) and I wouldn’t know how.

Speaking of updates, is there anyway for it to automatically update when one is available? Currently I wait until I see the notification “button” at the top of the screen and then run the commands:

$ sudo systemctl stop [email protected]
$ sudo -u homeassistant -H -s
$ source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
$ pip3 install --upgrade homeassistant
$ exit
$ sudo systemctl start [email protected]