Unable to find the configuration error

I have this configuration error , however i cannot see anything in my config file on line 8 as it suggest ?
Can anyone place any light on the error please.

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

 name: Home
 latitude: 53.6314196
 #Longitude: -2.326150
 elevation: -163
 unit_system: metric
 time_zone: "Europe/London"
 #external_url: "http://www.example.com"
 internal_url: ""

Screenshot 2021-07-09 at 16.40.21

And what is in groups.yaml pointed to by the error?

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You will need to post your groups.yaml file contents.

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Here is my groups , sorry i was only looking at the configuration as mentioned. I still cannot see what is wrong

  - platform: group
    name: conservatory
    - light.ikea_tradfri_bulb_conservatory_e14_1
    - light.ikea_tradfri_bulb_conservatory_e14_2
  - platform: group
    name: dining room
    - light.ikea_tradfri_bulb_dining_e14_1
    - light.ikea_tradfri_bulb_dining_e14_2
    - light.ikea_tradfri_bulb_dining_e14_3

EDIT: Didn’t look close enough, see Taras post downwards! :slight_smile:

Move the light entities two spaces in. :slight_smile:

  - platform: group
    name: conservatory
      - light.ikea_tradfri_bulb_conservatory_e14_1
      - light.ikea_tradfri_bulb_conservatory_e14_2
  - platform: group
    name: dining room
      - light.ikea_tradfri_bulb_dining_e14_1
      - light.ikea_tradfri_bulb_dining_e14_2
      - light.ikea_tradfri_bulb_dining_e14_3

You don’t define a Light Group within a group domain (which is what you have done by inserting it in groups.yaml ).

A Light Group is part of the light domain. Therefore it’s defined in configuration.yaml under the light: domain or in lights.yaml if you are using light: !include lights.yaml.

Move it out of groups.yaml to wherever all your other lights are currently defined.

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Uh, didn’t see that one coming… :astonished: But you’re totally right! :slight_smile:

Also has to remove the light: line inside lights.yaml if going that route.

Here is my example if in the configuration.yaml.

  - platform: group
    name: Inside Lights
      - light.dining_room
      - light.entry_way
      - light.living_room_dimmer_s_switch
      - light.kitchen
      - light.garage_entry
      - light.stairs
      - light.living_room_nook
      - light.main_bathroom_2
      - light.family_room_dimmer
      - light.family_room
      - light.wled_bar
      - light.inside_garage_lights
  - platform: group
    name: Ceiling Fans
      - light.living_room_fan_switch
      - light.master_bedroom_fan_switch

Yes, that is correct because, as explained, a Light Group is part of the light domain so its configuration must be placed under the light: option.

Thanks you all for your input and advice , I have placed the group information in configuration .yaml. I will take note of all your suggestion and advice.

Thanks you all.

I assume you meant to say “Light Group information”. Group information can remain in groups.yaml.

Yes the Light Groups i placed in configuration.yaml and all appears to OK. I am a newbie so learning all the time ??. I’ll leave a copy of the Light Group in Group.yaml. Yes . and read up more on groups and create a lights.yaml ?



If it not necessary ai will delete as I said I am new and felt from the comments thats i should but i have removed it now.

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In the group.yaml it is not required to specify the group platform….

so to group some lights, it is sufficient to do like this for


just add this to groups.yaml

All Lights:
  - light.light_kitchen
  - light.bar
  - light.living_ceiling
  - light.light_living_side
  - light.tv_room_ceiling
  - light.light_tv_room_couch
  - light.light_tv_room_side
  - light.light_hallway_upstairs
  - light.light_hallway_downstairs

(“All Lights” will automatically transform into all_lights :wink:)