Unable to link Google Assistant

Hi all,

In the past my HA was linked to Google Assistant,
didn’t use it for long period of time and tried it once again yesterday, without any luck…

Nabu Case cloud

I get the following error:
[hass_nabucasa.cloud_api] Fetched https://remotestate.nabucasa.com/request_sync (404)

Tried to follow any possible article still didn’t manage to fix it, after adding it through the Google Home I get not link.


  1. Set up the component within configuration YAML,
  2. Opened the Google Home app to add integration
  3. Logged in to Nabu Casa
  4. Approved the consent screen to link the app
  5. Went back to HA cloud settings
  6. In Google Home - not integration connected
  7. In Google Linked Account - I see a well-integrated Hass.io 3rd party at the time I linked it
  8. Clicking “Sync Entities to Google” results:
Google Assistant is not activated
Before you can use Google Assistant, you need to activate the Home Assistant Cloud skill for Google Assistant in the Google Home app.
  1. Error in HA logs as the above.

Google Assistant

Same goes here, followed the guide of how to add the integration,
getting the same result - cannot link the HA to Google Home.

Within Google Home the integration is not being added,
in HA I see logs that the integration is being synced with error:

DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.http] Response on https://homegraph.googleapis.com/v1/devices:reportStateAndNotification with data {'requestId': 'abc', 'agentUserId': '55bff554ff5a4ad091d7cd84844072be', 'payload': {'devices': {'states': {'switch.abc': {'online': True, 'on': False}}}}} was {
 "error": {
   "code": 404,
   "message": "Requested entity was not found.",
   "status": "NOT_FOUND"
ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.http] Request for https://homegraph.googleapis.com/v1/devices:reportStateAndNotification failed: 404

In Google Cloud logs there is an error:

  "textPayload": "SYNC: Request ID aaa update devices failed: CANCELLED",
  "insertId": "k9bpbgfsa4osa",
  "resource": {
    "type": "assistant_action",
    "labels": {
      "action_id": "SMART_HOME_SYNC",
      "version_id": "",
      "project_id": "PROJECTID"
  "timestamp": "2022-05-07T06:36:19.399679759Z",
  "severity": "ERROR",
  "logName": "projects/PROJECTID/logs/actions.googleapis.com%2Factions",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2022-05-07T06:36:19.406135231Z"

When it didn’t work with the previous Google Project I set up a new one, same result…

Both itnergations
tried to reduce the number of entities being synced and their domains.

What am I doing wrong?

I have the same problem and can’t get it working, did you found a solution? This should be addressed somehow. I’m running latest HA OS.

Yes, first of all solved it in both integrations - cloud and google assistant, reduced the number of domains synced to 1, then added one by one,
Eventually choose the google assistant integration since I would like all traffic to go through my account without middleman

I have the same
Fetched https://remotestate.nabucasa.com/request_sync (404)
issue when trying to link my Home Assistant Cloud to my Google Assistant account.
Tried everything…

I’m migrating from a manual setup to a Nabu Casa HA cloud setup.
Wiped everything out and started fresh the first time to make sure, but refuses to sync.

I can approve the skill in the Google Home app by selecting “Allow Access”, but as soon as I try to do anything it fails and i have to setup the Google Home app again.

The app is ready to be configured:

It doesn’t seem to stick, its not listed in the approved apps.
For a second the cloud is setup and I can click the “sync entities” button:

Then I immediately get an error, and the linked status is broken:

It’s like its stuck in a loop.

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Same issue here…

When I click ‘Active the home assistant cloud …’ I get
404. that’s an error
The requested URL “/services/a/uid/00000091fd5fb875?hl=en-US” was not found on this server. That’s all we know

I got it working by adding the Adding a Device in Google Home

Google Home App → Add Device → Works with Google Home → Search for ‘Home Assistant Cloud by Nabu Casa’ → And then logged in through Nabu Casa within the Google Home App

This only works if you have setup Nabu Casa paid service in Voice Assistants within Home Assistant


Thank you, this worked. I got the same error as L83r has.