Unable to read electtrical current on a Thermia calibra heatpump using modbus

I’m trying to access the current of my Thermia Calibra heatpump using modbus.
I’m able to access some parameters like outside temperature, compressor speed, indoor temperature and so on with the following code:

  - type: tcp
    name: Thermia
    port: 502
      - name: wp_outside_temp
        unit_of_measurement: °C
        address: 13
        input_type: input
        scan_interval: 300
        data_type: int16
        scale: 0.1
      - name: wp_compressor_speed_%
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
        address: 54
        input_type: input
        scan_interval: 300
        data_type: int16
        scale: 0.01
      - name: wp_room_temperature_sensor
        unit_of_measurement: °C
        address: 121
        input_type: input
        scan_interval: 300
        data_type: int16
        scale: 1

However when I try to access the current I just get a value zero.

The code I’m trying is the following:

      - name: current_phase_1
        unit_of_measurement: A
        address: 68
        input_type: input
        scan_interval: 300
        data_type: int16
        scale: 0.1

Using the following python code I also get a 0.

result =  client.read_input_registers(78, 3)
for register in result.registers:

Any modbus experts here?
Do I need an extra addon to measure current?

Thanks in advance.

The modbus documentation can be found at the following link:

Hi @lordbam !

I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong, power meter is an optional add-on, I don’t have it on my Thermia Diplomat Inverter. Are you sure yours have it?

You might find my custom integration for Thermia Genesis interesting by
the way :slight_smile:


Thanks for the quick reply.

I figured it needed an addon, but I wasn’t sure. I guess a shelly switch will be cheaper then having the addon installed on the heatpump.

I found your plugin before, but I chose the modbus approach since I like it simple.
Using the modbus interface you can configure a lot of things on the heatpump. This can result in a badly configured broken pump.

I figured the modbus approach was safer.

Do you have any automations for your heatpump?
Any experience with the smart grid?

I have “installed” a shelly em3 in my Thermia for power monitoring, works perfect and is probably a lot cheaper than the integrated option.

I have an automation to disable heat water and pool heating when electricity price level is high, it’s still a WIP.
Another thing I’d like to do is to add a vacation mode that lowers the heating temperature.

After some searching I went for a homewizard 3phase kWh meter.
It’s a bit more expensive then the shelly but doesn’t use clamps so it will probably fit more nicely in the fuse box.

They have a local rest API so configuring should be really easy.
If I’m lazy I can just use the integration :slight_smile:

If I ever get to automation, I’ll keep you updated.

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I were searching for possibilities to automate my Thermia Calibra heatpump according to electricity price levels and found your posts here. So I thought to ask if you have had any luck with automating your heatpump to use electricity when price level is low ?

With this: https://github.com/CJNE/thermiagenesis
And Nordpool integration you can automate it.

Both need to be installed with HACS and you need to have your pump on you home network and modbus tcp enabled.

Ping me if you need help in finnish…

What settings does this need from Genesis? Getting just “Connection error.”… IP is static, not sure how to enable modbus?

You need to enable modbus tcp on your pump.

You need service code to access this setting.

Uplock with service code and turn off heating


  • settings, install
  • BMC, enable it and choose TCP

Turn heating back on.

I don’t have any install-menu with 607080 code, BMS shows only modbus settings… (Baud etc)

I just send you a pm…

So my biggest problem was too old Genesis firmware, pump is from 2018 and it had V6. Now updated to V8 from 2019 and it has that Installation/ BMS menu… Thanks for jkk for helping!

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How did you get it updated?

Via USB stick, PM if you need help

Is it possible to do the update yourself? No need to call the reseller?

Yes, just plug in the USB stick with new firmware and pray… :slight_smile:

Terveisiä Oulusta,
I have a Danfoss DHP-H Opti Pro which is same as Thermia Diplomat Optimum G3. It’s equipped with original connectivity pack 086L1900 installed and I’m able to monitor and control the heatpump through Thermia online portal.
I’d like to enable a local integration into HA. Is that possible with the CJNE/thermiagenesis integration and present gateway?
FW update required; access to downloads and service mode?

@CJNE Hi, I just started using your integation! Migrating from Domitcz to HA specifically for these type of integration, so thanks a lot for this work. I also use an automation to ‘enable’ hot water when solar panels are producing sufficiently (time based). I would also be interested in introducing Boost/ (legionella cycle?) when panels are doing more than normal as it also result in more hot water. Do you have an idea on how that could be achieved? In the App it is a button but i do not recognize similar function/registers it in the integration?