Unable to serialize to JSON: Out of range float values are not JSON compliant

Out of the blue I could not get to the frontend. It now continuously shows ‘loading data’

In the logs whenever I try and load the frontend I get the error:-

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection.139961146590352] Unable to serialize to JSON: Out of range float values are not JSON compliant

It then lists all of my entities in the logs.

It was on version 0.103.6 when this happened. I have tried going back to various previous versions with no luck.
I am running the stock docker image.

I cannot list the full error and entity list because it exceeds the maximum character limit per post.

And it came back by itself. Probably took around an hour of continuous running.

Any clues? My suspicion was some value of one of the entities was ‘out of range’, no clue which one though.

I have the exact same problem - I am on Version 0.108.3. It just started recently - no idea what causes this…