Unable to upgrade Home Assistant core: it spins a long time, reboots, but still at old version

My HA is installed and running on Pi 3+ with HAOS.

When upgrades are available, I’ve always had to press the “upgrade” button about 3 or 4 times over a span of a couple of days (it takes maybe an hour to attempt, then reboot), but in the past it eventually would “stick.” But with the upgradefrom 2024.5.4 to 2024.6.1 (now 2024.6.2) it just won’t finish. I have been unable to locate any meaningful error messages. Tried searching through old Forum messages for others with this problem, but can’t find any help there either.

Any ideas?


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I have not encountered this error myself but you may want to try increasing the Swap File Size to 2GB:

How to increase the swap file size on Home Assistant OS.


Thanks MaxK, will give it a go.

Hi, did you have a look at the The Home Assistant CookbookTroubleshooting ?


That worked, thanks!!

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Resolved (sort of): I’ve abandoned the Pi and installed HA on an old desktop x86 machine. Wow, performance is amazing by comparison! Didn’t realize that the platform would make such a huge difference.

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Something else to consider - upgrading Core will force a download of any new Python modules, including those that need to be compiled for your platform - if you have HA running as a service, your systemd (or equivalent) may decide that the service hasn’t started properly whilst the new version of the modules are being compiled. and restart the HA service.

I found running hass manually then restarting the service helped here.