Unavailable entity detection & notification

Thanks for the update. We are all here for the community :wink:

@gmlupatelli ciao. can you add an option to run the check every X minutes instead of once per day?

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@gmlupatelli I implemented expanding devices - see pull request at GitHub :slight_smile:

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Merged. Thanks for adding the feature.

Been using this for a while and itā€™s very helpful, thank you!

I have this in an auto entities dropdown in an admin dashboard, but is there a way to just show devices which have any unavailable entities instead of the entities themselves? Some of these devices have like 10 entities and I donā€™t need to see them individually because when they go offline itā€™s always all of them.

Hello I have a little problem, using your notificationā€™s text now I donā€™t receive nothing. anyway blueprint continue to discover unavailable entities. How I can receive a notify with these entities?
thank you

Is it possible to add an option to repeat the notification and the control every few hours?

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I have done that White a extra automation.

I like this automation very much, and when i read this form i think there are some improvements:
add include, add every hour (i have done that with a extra automation),
and add the possibility that when every thing is in order there wil not send a notification.
I am not a master in blueprints:-(

After investigation it appears that the original blueprint does not send a notification if there are no missing entities, it was my automation that triggered the blueprint and then sent a notification. The only question now is how can I trigger this blueprint every hour?

Thanks for this great template. I just have one additional question how can I get the room or the given name of the unavailable sensor? Currently I receive something like this ā€œlumi.remoteb1acn01 ā€¦ā€

I tried this blueprint but it does not work.
Ot always stops in the traces asking for an entries in the data field but i have no idea or found any hint what needs to go into the data field

To trigger it evrey hour you need to change this block of the blueprint:

# Triggers
  - platform: time
    at: !input 'time'

Here is the link to the Blueprint creation wiki: Creating an automation blueprint - Home Assistant

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The original blueprint in the first post returns the names, e.g. Office - Light Controler, not the ID.

If you want to change what is returned, the part of the blueprint below is where the magic happens :slight_smile:
Unfortunately, I donā€™t know enough to include room data in the blueprint.

  entities: >-
    {% set result = namespace(entities=[]) %}
    {% for state in states %}
      {% if exclude.entity_id is defined %}
        {% if state.state == 'unavailable' and not state.entity_id in exclude.entity_id %}
          {% set result.entities = result.entities + [state.entity_id] %}
        {% endif %}
      {% else %}
        {% if state.state == 'unavailable' %}
          {% set result.entities = result.entities + [state.entity_id] %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {{"ā¤µ \n- "}}{{result.entities|join('\n- ')}}

It only execute the actions block if there is at least one unavailable entity, otherwise it just stops.