Undo "Move datadisk"

I used the Supervisor “Move datadisk” option to move everything to move the datadisk to a USB drive. How do I “undo” this move?

More context: I wanted more media storage space, but after setting up the external USB as the datadisk, copying files onto the drive is now nigh impossible. The files are too large to use the browser-based (Lovelace) interface.

If I remove the drive from my HA RPi, HA breaks (HAOS) and won’t start up. I thought that I would just shutdown the RPi temporarily so that I can transfer the files, and then plug the USB drive back in, but that lead me down a long rabbit hole.

First, even if I unplug the drive and plug it into my Windows machine, Windows can’t read EXT4. Windows won’t send me a recent enough version of the WSL2 in order to mount it that way, either. I tried a Linux machine, but got permission errors when trying to mount and access the file directly.

So, I thought I would plug the USB drive back in to HA and access it through the network. I couldn’t get write permissions to work using Samba on Linux. I did get it to work, though, using Samba on Windows, but the file transfer rate is so slow, it not practical. I triend SCP, but that failed.

Finally, I realized that I can never use this disk for anything else because it must always be plugged in to my HA RPi, but if this disk died, I would be up a creek without a paddle because HA won’t boot. I can’t figure out how to undo the change, and I’m to the point that I’m almost ready to scrap it all.

Does anyone have any guidance? I don’t want to lose all of my other work that I’ve done in my HA setup, but I don’t know of anything other than starting from scratch. I couldn’t find anything on this particular topic when searching online.

Thank you for your help.

Same issue. Ever get anywhere?

No, I’ve not been able to figure out a solution, and you can see all of the responses I got here. :frowning:

It’s a year later, so most likely you either moved on or figured it out. For others that may come across this:

You can just create a backup (download the backup on your PC after that), then install Home Assistant clean on the SD card using your PC with BalenaEtcher. Then when booting, you can select a restore option in the onboarding menu. Select the backup you downloaded. This will restore your HA installation on the SD card. After everything is completed you have the same installation, but now on your SD card.

It would be nice if HA could offer some kind of minimal GUI to restore a backup without having to resort to removing the drive to flash externally. In my case I’ve moved it from a small mSATA drive to a NVME drive. If the NVME drive ever fails I’d have to open it all up to get it back up and running.

Same disaster here.

Move to a SSD-USB, but getting system reboot and panic every time. :roll_eyes:

I tried this method several times and every time the system started it notified me with the following message:

“Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from supervisor (”

If you just want to revert to the previous state and run the system as it was before moving datadisk, then please pay attention on my reply in other thread.

Long story short, you need to change the label of old data disk on original drive with the following command:

e2label /dev/disk/by-label/hassos-data-old hassos-data
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