Unifi 5.10.5 - Login issues

Has anybody upgraded to unifi 5.10.5? I am having Hass login issues.

Unifi Logs
INFO api - [api] api.err.Invalid: /api/login

Hass Logs
Failed to scan clients: Login failed - status code: 400
Failed to perform <function Controller._read at 0x7f5e8a7eae18> due to api.err.LoginRequired

Which UniFi component is it you’re using?

Device tracker

Ok, you do not have the same issue with the UniFi integration?

Seems like a slight change to the controller api component is the issue. Using the direct ap ssh component works fine.

An update to the requirements and component to pyunifi 2.16 should solve the issue.

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Thanks, testing now.

Yep. That resolved the issue. Thank you

Got the same issue.
How do i update the requirements and component to pyunifi 2.16?

Copy this file to the custom_components/device_tracker folder in your config or wait till the next release.


Big thanx!
Had a lot of automations depending on this,

Good looking-out, gentlemen!