Hi shbatm this is amazing! I’ve been having so many issues with random macs showing up and the Tier 3 at UniFi was not very helpful. I’m running the latest version for everything right now but unfortunately I’m not very familiar on how to implement your script. Would you be kind to share like a step-by-step tutorial so I can add the script to the Cloud controller and automated? Let me know if you can help.
Error is: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/pi/Desktop/purge_clients.py”, line 13, in
cloud_key_ip=cloud_key_ip, controller_port=controller_port
IndexError: tuple index out of range
I had to modify your script because I am running on the UDM-Base (’/api/auth/login’ for login, ‘/proxy/network’ added in front of the other API calls). I am able to retrieve macs, but when I call the