I don’t understand how this is supposed to work anymore, could anyone please help me understand? All of my automation related to presence have been completely busted for several releases, and now that I sat down last night to try to figure it out, I’m just utterly baffled why these changes were made. Normally the release notes explain carefully the rationale and how to deal with breaking changes… not this time. The old Unifi presence detection worked great and has been reliable for over a year. Now all of a sudden, all my years long data of which devices I want to track and not from known_devices.yaml isn’t used anymore, so now I’m stuck trying to figure out how to get it back to the way it was in the UI, but it’s not working.
I added the UniFi integration, and configured it like this:
- host: !secret unifi_controller
site: Default
dont_track_devices: True
dont_track_wired_clients: True
detection_time: 800
- "SSID 1"
- "SSID 2"
SSID filter doesn’t work. Home Assistant tries to add all the clients on my WiFi, on any SSID, including all my smart home devices. It’s also tracking wired clients. I have dozens of device_tracker entities now and no clue how to get things back to the way they were. Any help? I’m on 0.99.1.