Unifi Doorbell G4 - can HA push the live feed to a Nest Hub?

I’ve been used to a Nest Hello that appears on my Nest Hub Max devices when the doorbell goes but this isn’t possible (yet) for the Unifi Doorbell G4 - can I achieve it through HA?

I don’t have the doorbell but I do run Unifi Protect integrated using this custom component installed via HACs: GitHub - briis/unifiprotect: Control and monitor your Unifi Protect Cameras from Home Assistant. The main (long) community thread on this is here

My doorbell setup uses a z-wave sensor hooked to a (wireless) doorbell chime and triggers an automation to play the stream on our Nest Hub Max simply using the camera services for the associated G4 Bullet camera, e.g.

- service: camera.play_stream
     entity_id: camera.doorbell
     media_player: media_player.kitchen_display

Some caveats to be aware of:

  1. The live stream is not real-time, there is a slight delay due to the Unifi key frames. This (and ways to minimise it) are discussed in the main community thread as well as elsewhere for other camera integrations on the forum.
  2. The Google hubs have rotation issues (for many cameras) when streaming above 1080 resolution (not sure if this applies to the doorbell) - see Camera Stream to Google Hub has wrong orentation · Issue #36290 · home-assistant/core · GitHub