Hello! Did anyone solve the issue with CPU Temp? I get the following errors:
Could not render template CPU, the state is unknown
Could not render template Memory percentage, the state is unknown
Could not render template CPU temperature, the state is unknown
Could not render template WAN Download, the state is unknown
I would really need to have CPU Temp in order to trigger a fan inside my rack.
Is there any other way to have the Temperature of the USG/Cloud Key or Switch on Home Assistant?
Cool component. Guess I’ll need to add this as well.
BTW does firmware only list device firmware or also controller updates?
Can somebody give an example how the alerts attributes will look when multiple alerts are present and how to access them (or even loop over them if it is some kind of array)? Thanks!
Here is an example card with a number of alerts - just select the line and a popup will list the alerts.
They could be presented in a more elegant manner with a custom card.
Hi folks, great thread. Just about to give this a go with a USG4Pro and the controller running on HASSIO on Ubuntu… Should work by the looks…
My question, I use an openVPN (Nord) via the CLI mapped to vtun0.
Is there a way I could check the status of the tunnel using this great component?
via the CLI I’m able to check the status of the tunnel by entering:
show interfaces
it returns a summary of the LAN interfaces, with the status (S) and link (L), per the below:
admin@SomePlace:~$ show interfaces
Codes: S - State, L - Link, u - Up, D - Down, A - Admin Down
Interface IP Address S/L Description
--------- ---------- --- -----------
vtun0 10.X.Y.12/24 u/u OpenVPN VPN tunnel
Hi again,
Got the sensors up and running per the thread above - thanks to all for the contribution.
I was curious (further to my tunnel question above), is there a way to have my second WAN interface also added to the sensors (along with the vtun0 above)?
If you check out the following site, it shows the extent of the API that the integration uses to grab data and in theory anything on this site could be added as part of your own custom integration:
I have this all set up and working successfully. It’s fantastic thanks!
Stupid question of the day:
Where do I add something like -platform? like shown above.
I’d love to be able to pull these into my dashboard but have no idea where this bit of code needs to live!
@jchasey hey man, has there been any movement on any of the PR’s for this?
I upgraded my Cloud Key Gen2 Plus to UnifiOS over the weekend and all my sensors tanked. They added a proxy to the Cloud Key to move both network manager and protect to port 443 and changed the API path a bit. So with out changes this Integration will be much less useful as it sits in the very near future…