Universal Solar Inverter over Modbus RS485 / TCP custom_component (AlphaESS, Growatt, Sofar, SolaX, Solinteg, Solis, SRNE, Swatten, TIGO TSI & Qcells Q.Volt Hyb)

Does anyone know which modbus register holds the “Grid-tied min value”?
In my documentation it does not exist.
Thanks in advance - JP

What exactly do you mean by that?

The minimum the battery will discharge too?

It is about this setting (13): (lader = charger)

Yea that’s the minimum it will discharge down to

To set it (Battery1_MinCapcity) 0x20

To read it as a “holding” register (Battery_MinCapacity) it’s 0x8c

Hi @wills106 ,

thanks again for the great work!

Do you plan to add write support to the battery charge percentage (on the charge from grid period definition)?



On the latest version I posted earlier you have the following write modes:

Minimum Battery Percentage
Battery Charge Current
Battery Discharge Current
Run mode (Self Use, Force Time etc)
Grid Charge Period Control while In Force Time Mode

I still need to work on setting the actual times of Grid Charge, that’s going to be tricky to work out how to do.

The select option / number input doesn’t survive a restart of Home Assistant, but other than visually in the dashboard it doesn’t affect anything. I will look at updating them on start / if you change them with the app at a later date. As you read and write to different registers for them, so the “feedback” isn’t tied at the moment.

Maybe I did not made my self clear.
In order to optimize battery charge on grid, i would like do be able to set battery “Charge Max Capacity” dynamically (via automation). I have my inverter always in “Force Time Use”, Period 1 always enabled, and pretend to set the “Charge Max Capacity” percentage everyday (via HomeAssistant), according to my energy needs and solar production estimate for the next morning.



Hi Will,

when i set 0x0020 to 17 it is not the parameter I indicated in the basic settings that changes, but this one (17) in advanced settings:


Which Model Inverter do you have and how new is it?

I am wondering if there has been a new Firmware version?

That value you have set to 17% used to be under Basic. I have just checked mine on the SolaX Cloud and it’s moved to Advanced like you say.

The value under the Basic mode must be a new setting they have introduced, as it doesn’t show up for me.

it is a X3-HYBRID-10.0T from earlier this year and it had 1 firmware upgrade some months ago concerning the security norm.
Edit: so the question remains: which modbus register?

The newest Modbus docs for SolaX I have are dated 2020-08-27 they could have introduced new registers since.

@lmar What Model and how old is your inverter?

I’ll try and ask SolaX if there is a newer Modbus reference Doc. But last time I asked for their help they had no interest in helping, which is a shame. As easy integration with other products would really help their sales.

Hi Will,

its a X1 Hybrid G3

I might have found out about this mode. I will try in the morning and see how I get on with it.

That would be great!

Hi Will,

thank you for trying to help. I really appreciate it.


Hi Will,

I wanted to say thanks for the add on, its been working really well and was pleasantly suprised to see its been updated with read and write support!

I updated mine today (I just replaced the existing folder and rebooted) and i’m having trouble changing the modes as it just doesnt seem to make the change at all. Is there anything I can do e.g enable any sort of logging to troubleshoot?

Inverter is X1-Hybrid-G3



@lmar I have got Charge Max Capacity working.

@Jean_Slootmans I had to have a Firmware upgrade yesterday due to adding a third battery to my system and the new one was on an older Salve Version compared to the other two batteries I have. So SolaX pushed a firmware update to my Inverter which also updated the Inverter Firmware. I now have this extra Grid-tied Min Capacity % setting. I have asked SolaX if there is a newer Modbus reference Document as I can’t find this listed.

@tapnet I take it you have downloaded the latest custom component and have it configured in the Integration page. Do you get all the sensors coming through ok?
At the moment the “select” & “number” entries don’t show in the Integration page. But if you go into Developer Tools you will find them to add in manually.

The default names are:

I’ll hopefully push an update out in the next couple of days with the new items such as:

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That would be great Will.

Thanks a lot

Hey Will,

So in terms of upgrading the component all I did was replace the folder with the latest version then reloaded it I could then see the new items.

I have managed to get them to show on lovelace UI and when selecting the the option its updating the state on HA but not on the Inverter.


I didnt know if there any sort of logging I could look at to try see whats going on?



Hi wills106,

great work with the integration!!!

I have changed my old config for it and it is working very well. Only I have discovered two sensor that don’t show the correct value in my case: ‘SolaX Battery Input Energy Today’ and ‘SolaX Today’s Solar Energy’. They show 0 kWh everytime. Is it possible because they are not pointing to the right address? or it could be because I may have an old firmware version?

thanks in advance for your support.