Universal Solar Inverter over Modbus RS485 / TCP custom_component (AlphaESS, Growatt, Sofar, SolaX, Solinteg, Solis, SRNE, Swatten, TIGO TSI & Qcells Q.Volt Hyb)

Thanks for your quick replies, wills… once they hand the inverter to me finally I will try power-cycling and will see what happens. Thank you so much !

I had the same issue coupe of weeks ago - you can find that in this thread. Removing the addon, installing latest beta version and inverter power cycle helped. I used direct connection between the inverter and the router using utp cable for modbus communication and I also used pocket wifi for cloud communication.
Last week, all the attributes in HA became unavailable again. It happened after I plugged in faulty electrical appliance and Residual-Current Device switched off. I then tried to power cycle the inverter and remove the integration - it did not help. Previously used IP address of the modbus ethernet connection was not available anymore. I had to change the modbus ip address in this HA integration to Pocket wifi IP address and that works for me now.

If you have a Gen3 Inverter with built in ethernet I have had reports that it doesn’t play well when you are using both the built in ethernet and a Pocket WiFi.
But if you have a Gen3 you don’t need a Pocket WiFi to connect to the cloud. You just register the Inverter it’s self.

I own a Gen3 and I have never owned a Pocket WiFi and I am using the cloud, using the built in ethernet.

This is an absolutely brilliant Integration! I have a Gen 2 SK-SU-3700E. The Solax Power integration wouldn’t work for me…timed out looking for some sort of authentication, but yours went without a hitch.
I’m so pleased to be finally able to see remote stats and even better, the ability to manipulate settings.
I’m only on day 3 of HA, so a lot to learn.
Can I mention a few things/questions on the integration?..
‘Solax Today’s Yield’ actually reports yield since commissioning. There is no report of ‘Inverter yield’ or ‘Charger Yield’… are these data not exposed outside the inverter?
‘Solax Charger End Time 2’ shows as a display, not a setting.
Some of the charge & discharge times, although shown as settable, do not have a current setting, even though set on the inverter… I haven’t tried adding the times to see if they are reflected at the inverter yet.
Lastly… (phew!) What do the ‘Inverter Unlock’ functions do? (don’t say unlock the inverter ;-))
Thanks again…

What version of the Integration are you running?

So are you missing the bottom one?

I had to hand encode these in the Integration. But I have only done them every 15mins. So if you have your Inverter set as 02:20 it won’t show in the Integration.

If you have never connected to the cloud, you can’t alter any of the settings shown (I think the built in app on these Gen2 unlocks the Inverter as well) so the button does unlock the inverter! :rofl:
So if you try and alter “Battery Discharge Max Current” when the Inverter is locked the setting jst reverts back to set value. If you unlock the Inverter, you can change the setting to what you want.

Was using a version downloaded 2 days ago, but today was offered an update to 794d356. It hasn’t changed anything described though. No, I’m not missing any of the entity set buttons.
All the Charger settings are correct and settable apart from End Time 2 which just shows as status. Odd, as it looks fine in the edit menu.
Discharger Start Time 1 will not retain a set value of 04.30, reverts after a couple of seconds.
Discharger End Time 1 can be set and retains setting. (00.30)
Discharger Start Time 2 shows 04.00 even though inverter set to 04.30. It won’t retain a change.
Discharger End Time 2 will not retain a set value of 00.30, reverts after a couple of seconds.

None of this is a big deal, as I only change settings when a tariff changes.


Are the yield issues to do with me not having a bidirectional meter? (do you?) I didn’t really fancy modding my wiring tails again to add an Eastron and was looking at Iammeter, but have bought Shelly EM (not yet installed, and which may be a bit redundant now this Integration gets so many data). Do you know whether the Shelly can be integrated through software in the same way as the Iammeter?


Do you get an error in the log? Have you tried the Unlock Inverter button?

Is that first picture the auto generated dashboard, or did you manually set it up?

Yes on my Gen2 I have an Eastron SDM230 (If you do buy one, make sure it’s a SolaX firmware one!)

I wasn’t aware you could directly Integrate the Iammeter with SolaX Inverters.

Hi Will…
Thanks for responding again. The only error I get in the log is:-
2022-11-13 21:24:58.915 WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.solax_modbus.sensor] holding register already used: 0x9a discharger_end_time_1
This is after loading today’s update to 2c884d4 which has not changed any of the reported entries (and no doubt wasn’t aimed at them). Pressing the unlock buttons hasn’t apparently done anything, and as some of the charger set buttons work, it is pretty certainly unlocked.
The auto-generated dashboard seems to have a mind of its own (as designed?) so the entity card for the inverter no longer has all the entities. The pic is from a manually edited card on a new dashboard. I hid entries that I don’t need to see and rearranged the order so that start times and end times are next to each other.

The Iammeter portal software looks almost identical to the Solax Portal, just a different colour scheme.
They had some sort of collaboration, but when I asked questions, this has lapsed and they can no longer show battery status on the portal for Solax. To bind/integrate the meter, you just had to add the serial number in the Solax portal. Looks like I’ll have to rely on the Shelly for inverter yield in HA.
I can’t really also justify an Eastron+ Electrician! (do you get reports of battery yield?)


How do you get your custom integration accepted into mainstream HA, seeing as it’s likely at least as good as the one there?

Also… thought I’d try configuring the Energy page/tab. This was a non-starter as the only two Solax entities exposed in the dropdown are for solar energy, rather than grid consumption and export.
Is this where I have to start learning to configure with code in the yaml? (or get my Shelly set up, which looks to be supported OK through the UI)?

I need to correct some bugs in the charge start / stop times.
I only use time1 so haven’t picked up on the bugs in time2 yet.

I have both sections set with the same times, as I read somewhere that both had to be the same (as illogical as that sounds)… probably misinformed.

You’ve been busy :slight_smile:Loaded the latest upate, and all charge/discharge entities now good apart from Charger End Time 2 which still shows as display rather than set.
The Shelly EM is being returned: One clamp was about 7% inaccurate, and now I have direct inverter stats that are great! Please answer the question about whether you receive Solax Today’s Yield (solar) correctly (and maybe battery yield) as this will influence whether I add the eastron after all. Need more KoFi? :rofl:

You should have “Today’s Solar Energy” which is the Yield from the PV and you have “Today’s Yield” which is the Yield from Solar PV and Energy used from your battery.

On the 5kW Gen2 there is a version of that Inverter which is missing “Today’s Yield” Serials starting U50EC is missing “Today’s Yield” but U50ED has the register present.

There isn’t a separate Battery Yield as such. But on the Gen2 you have “Battery Input Energy Total” & “Battery Output Energy Total” Which is the total flow of energy in and out of the Battery. This is compatible with the Energy Dashboard.

Is that in the Auto generated dashboard, or your own custom one?

If it’s the auto generated one it might be worth removing the Integration from the Integration page, restarting HA and adding the Integration again to the Integration page if you haven’t done so already.

It it’s your own you will need to change “sensor.solax_charger_end_time_2” to “select.solax_charger_end_time_2”

Had some ‘fun’ last night… decided to change the polling interval from 15s to 10s, but when I did that in the config dialog it gave me an ‘invalid name’ message, and then when clicked again created a new device with all the entities repeated. I removed the integration entirely to clear that mess up. All back to how it should be now, and End Time 2 is a-ok in both dashboards :grinning:
I have the 3.7kW Gen 2.
“Today’s Solar Energy” reports 0.07kWH, which doesn’t change during the day. I’m pretty sure this is because I don’t have the bidirectional meter, as without one no energy is reported to the Portal app. (i.e. no green bar on the graphs).
“Today’s Yield” reports an incrementing kWh, currently at 4,804kWh. This almost ties in with the inverter’s “History” lcd display of inverter yield since installation (5.2MWh)… ? mystery.
Although battery yield is present at the inverter display I don’t see the two energy entities you mention. Again probably because of the metering issue. Need to get that Eastron.
Thanks once again.

Yes, reconfiguring the application (changing name or other parameters) creates a mess. During the restructuring of the config_flow dialog, I added this possibility for further testing, but it definitely creates a mess and duplicates. Removing the integration and recreating it is the only recommended way.
I suggest to add this as a known issue (until we correct the problem or remove this option)

There aren’t any Charger Yield registers available, unless that’s what the Load1 Yield is? So adding a Eastron won’t help with that, but you should get working Grid reading.

I expect Load 1 (and 2) relate to the optional relay control function; page 51 of the manual.

That’s what we thought previously, so never tested.


I have a Solax Hybrid Inverter G4 with Pocket lan

I have adapter box and EV charger so the Modbus Port (4 an 5 pin port) is used by EV charger.
THere is another possibility to have information directly from inverter or i can’t ?


Ps: i can’t find the Ip for test open port on the pocketLan

Is your adapter box some kind of Ethernet to Modbus serial converter? You could check whether it supports multi master mode, that way you can let both Home Assistant and your EV charger connect to the adapter box.