Universal Solar Inverter over Modbus RS485 / TCP custom_component (AlphaESS, Growatt, Sofar, SolaX, Solinteg, Solis, SRNE, Swatten, TIGO TSI & Qcells Q.Volt Hyb)

Hi William / Jan,
I am still running ver c4dbf15 under HA Core 2022 12 6. and all is well. Given some of the recent discussion, I’m a little nervous of uninstalling the integration and moving to 2022 12 13.
As most (not all) of the development now centres around adding further inverters, is the attempt to make this a ‘universal’ Integration still the best choice given the risks of breaking things that ‘ain’t broke’?
btw: still not solved the Eastron SDM230 issue. SolaX China have told me that my meter is certainly not compatible, despite the assurances of the seller. SolaX UK claim that there should be a Solax logo on the side of the meter if it’s official…is that your experience?

The only issue recently in regard to SolaX is the behaviour of the X3 MIC and Inverters missing registers. Possibly due to them being on old Firmware versions.

If something becomes an issue with say the Sofar or Solis Inverters it shouldn’t greatly affect SolaX Inverters as it’s a separate plugin.

I can’t see one on my Eastron, but it depends when they introduced that logo?

What version are you on?
The block size of reads was reduced on 2022.12.9 which should reduce getting these “errors” as Solis Inverters don’t fully comply to Modbus spec. So you can’t read as many registers in a single transaction as the Modbus specification states.

I run the latest 12.14b2

RHI Power Generation Total 55kWh

Logger: custom_components.solax_modbus
Source: custom_components/solax_modbus/__init__.py:242
Integration: SolaX Inverter Modbus ([documentation](https://github.com/wills106/homsassistant-solax-modbus), [issues](https://github.com/wills106/homsassistant-solax-modbus/issues))
First occurred: 31 décembre 2022 à 14:29:30 (17 occurrences)
Last logged: 1 janvier 2023 à 23:53:52

* RHI: read failed at 0x810f: power_generation_last_year
* RHI: read failed at 0x8119: pv_voltage_1
* RHI: read failed at 0x811a: pv_current_1
* RHI: read failed at 0x811b: pv_voltage_2
* RHI: read failed at 0x811c: pv_current_2
Logger: custom_components.solax_modbus
Source: /config/custom_components/solax_modbus/__init__.py:417
Integration: SolaX Inverter Modbus ([documentation](https://github.com/wills106/homsassistant-solax-modbus), [issues](https://github.com/wills106/homsassistant-solax-modbus/issues))
First occurred: 30 décembre 2022 à 17:10:10 (9 occurrences)
Last logged: 00:20:12

* RHI error reading holding registers at device 1 position 0xa86c
* RHI error reading input registers at device 1 position 0x80ec
* RHI error reading input registers at device 1 position 0xa88c

Thank you!


I use your plugin with a Solax G4 hybrid inverter and a RS485 TO ETH and it work fine.

I have a Solax Mini too, with same adaptateur RS485 to ETH i can’t make work with module, it’s not supported yet ? (i can test anything you want if needed

1 Like

Do you get “unrecognized inverter type - serial number : {your_serial_number_here}” when it’s connected to that Inverter? You might need a different Baud rate to the Gen4. Gen3 compatible Inverters use 115200 for example.

@Judu could you try 2023.01.2b1 I have made a change that should prevent “Power Generation Total” dropping to Zero when it can’t read it.

Yes i have this message “unrecognized inverter type - serial number : {your_serial_number_here}"

If you need i have the Modbus documentation for this from solax.
Ps : i’m french so sorry for my english :slight_smile:

You can send me a direct message if needed

Other :
I regularly have stops to retrieve information from the modbus (for my other inverter). And I have to reboot HA to get it back.

Does your Serial start with a different Serial to:

You can PM me with more information on your Inverter if you wish.

My inverter serial start with “MXA35XXXXXXX”

SolaX Mini Inverters are not supported at the moment. (Wiki updated)
Despite communicating over a RS485 connection they do no speak Modbus.

There is a possibility of supporting this custom communication and other protocols such as solarmanv5 (Solis) in the future. But I can’t put any time frame against support.

I updated, will report in one week thank you very much

I noticed this happened one or twice with “battery charge today” as well

Hello, fix seems OK (I am on 2023.01.2) but still having issue with battery :

Could you please apply fix to battery discharge today and battery charge today ?

Thank you!

Just released the Beta 2023.01.3b1

Just noticed your Battery and House are both showing about 500kWh is that because the sensors are causing the Dashboard to reset or is the scaling off and needs adjustment?

Hello there,
I am running 2023.01.2 version with Solax X3 hybrid G4. I have got an automation that sets Solax export control user limit to 0. For some reason, when I look up the History of this entity, it drops to 0 as it should but immediately jumps back to 10000 W (original value). I have no idea why. Can anyone explain? Thanks

Has your Inverter ever been connected to the cloud?

What does “Lock State” return when you enable it? (You will have to wait 30 or so seconds for it to register)

If it returns ‘Locked’ then try the Unlock Inverter button.

Edit: Or are you trying to use a variation of this?

Yes, my inverter has always been connected to the cloud (it still is). I hope its not a problem to use both the Wifi connection to the cloud and modbus connection to the network.
What do you exactly mean by “Lock state”? solax_device_lock says unlock.
I have tried pressing Unlock button and now the state of solax_device_lock changed to 2023-01-21T18:08:03.053340+00:00. Is that ok?
Yes, I think I am trying a variation of the thing you linked:

  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.czk_price_per_kwh
    below: 0.364
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: number.solax_export_control_user_limit
    above: 0
  - device_id: 8259116cd5d9c51fcdb0bec34bcfe6a2
    domain: number
    entity_id: number.solax_export_control_user_limit
    type: set_value
    value: 0
mode: single

Don’t worry about the lock state. If it’s Unlocked that’s fine.

Did you change select.solax_export_duration if you leave it on default it will revert back to normal operation after 4 seconds.

You might be best explaining exactly what you want your automation to achieve. So either myself or someone else can offer some advice. I would also check the discussions section of my GitHub.

Just realised you have a Gen4 sorry and not Gen3

Edit: Modbus-Power-Control will be what you want and not the Gen3 info I linked to.

If you modify this parameter through the HA web interface (without the automation), does it also return to the old value. I just tested this again on my Gen4 hybrid X3, and it works without problems.
Can you modify other paramters, or do they also return to the old value ?