Unreliable door sensors and Smartplugs


I have a bigger setup with now 120 single devices in my Zigbee net
It’s 24 innr smartplugs and 96 Aqara and Sonoff Door sensors.

Some of them have the problem, that though they are really near to each other and often have a direct line of sight, the LQI is really low. I just can’t figure out why.
Some of the sensors with a really low LQI are stable af while others with a high LQI disconnect all the time (I already replaced them and tried other brands → sonoff but that didn’t change anything)

Recently our electricians needed to shut down the power completely for some days and after it was back half of the sensors were not connected.
Some of them showed up after a day, some of them only needed a button press and some of them (there were occasions where a sensor was ~ 20 cm next to another one that only needed a button press) needed to be deleted and re-adopted.

I suspect that the innr plugs are somewhat whacky as routers and since the building is pretty big, some of the sensors are in completely different zones while they are connected to the hub with a “smartplug bridge” to overcome the distance.

Is there something like a Ethernet Zigbee hub that I can somehow connect to my Homeassistant PC to form some sort of “clusters” ?

I hope someone has good ideas on that matter

When you originally paired the devices, did you do so at their final destination? If not, some devices (particularly Aqara) get fixated on the one router and don’t swap to another with a stronger signal. In this case, you should pair them again.

Yes, they are glued to the windows and doors and were provisioned at their final spot

I do not really run a zigbee network myself, but I have seen others do a map of their zigbee network to see how the mesh is interconnected.
Your devices might not be connected to the zigbee routers you expect.