You need to give it a default value so that when there is no upcoming vacation it isn’t erroring.
as_timestamp(value, default)
where you have ‘%Y-%m-%d’ is meant to be the default value if the preceding value is incompatible. I’m not sure exactly what it needs to change to but definitely it needs a default
The approach you are using, testing the calendar entity’s start_time attribute, is not recommended because it can be unreliable.The entity’s attributes may not represent the actual next scheduled event, especially if there’s an all-day event (it overides all other events on that day) or concurrent events.
The developer of the Calendar integration recommends using a Calendar Trigger, with an offset, to be forewarned of a specific upcoming event.
Can you assist on how to get the description on that particular event?? The below will display the next event which would be incorrect. I want to display the event’s description let say 4 days from now.