Up against a Z-wave wall help I am DROWNING

Hi everyone,
I am still having problems with the new jsZ-wave integration.
I have a raspberry pi 4 running Home Assistant OS 5.12.
I am on the newest core version core-2021.3.3
I am having a problem with the integration Z-Wave JS controlling a
Kwikset Z-wave lock. I can see it in devices but I cant control it,
I thought at first that I must not have used secure inclusion. So I
manually removed it from my Aotec gen 5 Z-wave stick and re-paired the lock
making sure to use secure inclusion but still no luck I can see the lock in devices
but I can not control it and I cant find the log file where should i look
Can anyone point me in the right direction
in devices it shows up as
Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt
Device info
SmartCode 888
by Kwikset
Firmware: 4.79
Z-Wave Info
Home ID: 4038545425
Node ID: 5
Node Status: Alive
Node Ready: Yes

In the same boat. After trying numerous times with my RPi 4 and Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5+ using Z-Wave JS, all ending in complete reinstallation, I finally gave up and tried the deprecated Z-Wave Integration. Worked like a charm the first time and been stable for a week now with ~15 devices.

I would suggest you guys create an Issue for this here: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues

that might be what i need to do thank you but of course the downfall to that no z-wave plus devices will work

After four or five reinstalls without saving the logs, I’m not sure I could add much to an issue. I have no logs or any other traces since I used the same SD for all my installs.

My steps:
Downloaded HassOS 2021.3.3, used Balana Etcher to put it on SD, installed the SD in a RPi 4 B/4GB. Allowed the system to install and boot.
Created an account.
Shutdown HASS and powered off RPi.
Plugged in Aeotec Gen 5+ stick in USB 2.0 (also tried USB 3.0) port.
Booted, logged in.
Device listed under Supervisor -> System -> Hardware Info
Added the Zwave-JS integration, tried all devices of /dev/ttyACM0, /dev/ttyACM and /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00 - nothing worked, no device detected. After a couple of tries the zwave integration stops responding completely.
Tried removing and adding integration again but no change.
Rinse and repeat 5 times before giving up.

Tried the deprecated Z-wave integration with device /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00 and bang - all just works.

Now I have all my devices from Fibaro, Aeotec and Telldus working.

Is that so? I only have Plus devices in my network

yes but what zwave integration are you using the depreciated or js

You can post here and with some luck the z-wave developers will notice your topic and respond.

Or you can increase the chance of them noticing by creating an Issue. Something partly not working or nothing detected are valid issue topics, don’t worry.

This one:

This is the reason I left Kwikset in the past. I don’t believe it is HA but rather the new standards of Zwave 1.6 and kwikset’s lack of proper implementation of the standards (even in 1.4). When I was on Hubitat and the platform adopted Zwave 1.6 suddenly none of my Kwikset locks worked reliably anymore. It would take 3-4 lock sends for the device to maybe try to lock. I worked with the Hubitat team and even sent them my locks. Unfortunately it only would work somewhat reliably when the Zwave stick was 3’ away from the lock. I have Zooz switches everywhere in the house so beaming and mesh integrity/strength was never an issue.

I started to look for Zigbee module alternatives but by the time you pay for the device and shipping I discovered Yale YRD-110 locks were cheaper. So I personally ditched Kwikset and haven’t had issues since with adopting Yale locks.

i also tried everything I can think of. Searched the internet, do not see any logs for jszwave nothing. It will not work with kwikset lock,
Went back to depreciated Z-wave. And now everything works great. So as far as i can tell its not the lock its the integration

ok great means i couldnt get zwave plus because i was using hubz usb stick now i have aotec gen5 stick

FYI this is not the solution and the integration isn’t the problem. The Kwikset zwave firmware is the issue.

I am sorry to hear that since I couldn’t get the new integration to work at all, even recognizing the stick, with my out-of-the-box RPi4, fresh hassos install and a brand new AEON Labs ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5+ EU stick (USB path /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00). Listing Static Controller library, version Z-Wave 6.07 as firmware version, delivered late February 2021.
To me this unfortunately sounds like a migration to the new integration will break everything for me.

Under zwavejs2mqtt I just installed an 888 tonight fresh out of an ebay box :slight_smile: , joined it securely and at first nothing worked. I programed in a user code and it sprang to life. The only thing that it does not display is the alarmType and alarmLevel, hopefully that gets added in the near future.

ok wow I never thought of that i didnt even get to programming a code into the lock. When js zwave did not control the lock, and I couldn’t lock or unlock it. With no other information out there I went back to the z_wave depreciated and its been working fine