UPB IP PIM Connection Trouble

Looking to migrate from HomeSeer to Home Assistant. Did a clean HA os install on a laptop.
I have been able to successfully load the UpStart file and devices are displayed on the ‘Overview’ screen, but all are grayed out.
I configured UPB in integrations as a TCP device and provided the IP address of the PIM and location to the .upe file.

When I view the log, the following is repeated:
2024-03-04 14:34:03.785 WARNING (MainThread) [upb_lib.upb] Could not connect to UPB PIM ([Errno 113] Connect call failed (‘’, 2101)). Retrying in 60 seconds

Forum search returns results that seem to discuss USB or Serial connected PIM and not IP. I haven’t been able to find any information that addresses this.

I’ve ensured it is disabled in HomeSeer so there is no conflict, but I’m not sure at this point how to get it working.

Assuming you have the same device as described in the following post, it suggests disabling “Enable User Login”.

Let me know if that works for you.

I found that post but when I attempt to follow the instructions:

–Using your browser go to the URL of the PIM-IP and login to the web UI using “root”.
This is the user with configuration privileges.
–Go to Configuration, Users
–uncheck “Enable User Login”

Entering the IP address of the PIM into a browser returns a “refused to connect” message.

If I go back to HomeSeer and enable the UPB plugin, everything works.

I’ve ensured to disable the plugin in HomeSeer before configuring in HA. I can ping the IP of the PIM and I’ve even removed and re-configured the UPB Integration but don’t know what I’m missing.

Checking the log now shows the following:

2024-03-04 16:15:43.662 WARNING (MainThread) [upb_lib.upb] PIM at tcp:// disconnected

I have no experience with the PCS Pulseworx PIM-IP so I found the following manual for it. I skimmed it and it appears that you can use UPStart to remove users and passwords (see page 44).

PCPGW-User-Guide.pdf (homecontrols.com)

Thanks for the pointer to the document @123 .
Verified there weren’t any users/passwords configured but no improvement.
I was hoping to migrate away from HomeSeer, but it appears I may be stuck unless I can get this figured out.
At any rate, I appreciate your replies.

I noticed the following while looking at one of the log details:

Logger: upb_lib.upb
Source: runner.py:188
First occurred: 8:03:59 PM (1987 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:37:40 PM

Is it possible to view the runner.py script to see whats going on that might be causing the disconnections?

Ended up resorting to an older USB PIM I had and things appear to be working. Not sure why the IP PIM was in a loop of connecting and then immediately disconnecting.

I am having similar issues. The HA log shows the PIM-IP disconnects / reconnects every 3-4 minutes.

24-04-13 07:47:27.465 WARNING (MainThread) [upb_lib.proto] UPB connection heartbeat timed out, disconnecting
2024-04-13 07:47:27.466 DEBUG (MainThread) [upb_lib.proto] disconnected callback
2024-04-13 07:47:27.466 WARNING (MainThread) [upb_lib.upb] PIM at tcp:// disconnected
2024-04-13 07:47:28.489 INFO (MainThread) [upb_lib.upb] Connecting to UPB PIM at tcp://
2024-04-13 07:47:28.494 DEBUG (MainThread) [upb_lib.proto] connected callback
2024-04-13 07:47:28.494 INFO (MainThread) [upb_lib.upb] Connected to UPB PIM

I speculate this is caused by latency, not the PIM-IP refusing the connection or going offline. I have PRTG is monitoring the PIM-IP and shows that its response time to pings can be up to 1ms. I wonder is there is an adjustment in the HA UPB integration that would have it wait long for a response before declaring a disconnect?

To clarify, I am using the PCS PIM-IP (SKU PCPIMIP). This is different than the ‘gateway’ Ethernet connected PIM (SKU: PCPGW) for which @123 gave the documentation link. The PIM-IP is apparently no longer offered.

Notably, the HomeSeer UPB add-in, UPBSpud, does not work with PIM-IP but it does with PGW. I was hoping the HA integration worked with PIM-IP and it seems to be close, but the frequent disconnect / reconnects will be a problem.