Update from 2024.7 to 2024.8 failed and so did the backups... help! :(

So I am running Home Assistant into a Synology Virtual Machine Manager and after years (lucky me?) this is the first time I got some major fail!

I used to schedule daily full backups (with Home Assistant Google Drive Backup), but trying to restore failed and HA went offline (no SSH or SFTP neither).

Now I am at the fence of having to UnTAR the latest backup, but apart from the known stuff (where to put my SSL keys, overwrite the config, etc.) how can I restore

  • ALL the integrations
  • HACS with all that was already installed
  • All the panels I had
  • Who know what else

without going to crash / mess up Home Assistant again?

I have a similar problem same basis “Home Assistant into a Synology Virtual Machine Manager”
After reboot no more login possible always “loading data”.
One solution would be restore from backup, but how does this work without Gui?

If the backup is is in the cloud or on your computer then you recreate first a new HA vm from scratch, power it on and then once on the welcome screen you can opt to load a backup to restore it.

Did both of you wait for the database cleanup that is coming with the 2024.8.0 release? It’s not for all installations, depending on what database you used before.

It might need some time (for what I read sometimes hours).

See here:

This notice applies only if you use the recorder integration with a MySQL or PostgreSQL database. If you are using the default SQLite database, you can ignore it.

This release includes a database upgrade/migration that increases the size of the number we can store for the identifier fields. For a more technical explanation, we are upgrading integer fields for ID columns from a 32-bit integer to BIGINT, which is a 64-bit integer.

This can cause the database upgrade to take longer than usual, depending on the size of your database.

Please be patient and let the upgrade process finish. Do not interrupt the upgrade process, as this can lead to a corrupted database.

Could this be the reason? :slight_smile:

Mine also went down after latest x.8 update on docker. I dont know whats the problem and have zero intention to find out during summer vacation. But the timing. Why would anyone do any major database upgrade when people usually are using their summer holudays?

Always the first Wednesday of the month.

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Going to disable any update during vacation. Should done that but didnt expected major updates.

Seriously? You’re blaming others for not thinking yourself… :laughing: Totally leaving aside that it is only summer (= summer holidays) in half the world… :open_mouth:

Anyway, besides doing an update far from the real installation is only one part of not doing a good job. The other part is read the changelog before you update.

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First Wednesday of every month.

Since I have more than a hundred entities, dozens of integrations and over a hundred WiFi devices, I have learned to NEVER let Home Assistant “auto update” because invariably I almost always have something in the breaking changes.


Really. And my life is home assistant. Not everyone is glued to their computers 24/7. Yeah my mistake is expecting that simeone has a life. So stupid from me.
You wanna tell me that ie. September wouldnt be a good month for such upgrade.

I use auto update for all containers and didnt have any major issues till now. I dont have a time to track every single thing on 32 containers. I relay that someone have a clue.

OK can we stop now hijacking my thread please…?

I really would like to know what I’ve posted in the OP.

Did you try this ?

Nope, your mistake is, that you’re blaming others for your faults. And that you seem to be a little egotistic - as I said, half the world doesn’t have summer. So assuming, the rest of the world depends on you and when you go on holiday, is a little over the top…

Anyway, I’m out, as the OP is totally right, this is hijacking his thread.

Sorry, you’re totally right! :slight_smile: Have you checked, if you’re affected by the database migration and if that’s the cause?

If my guess is right, and you haven’t taken the time to wait for the migration to finish, you might not be able to restore the backup correctly.

Normally the restore process includes all add-ons and integrations (including HACS). These aren’t safed in the backup, but get downloaded in the correct version during the restore. Your other configuration settings should be in the backup as well, like the panels you mentioned.

What you could do now, if it doesn’t want to start again, do a fresh install and restore one of the most recent backups. That should bring you to the version of HA, that was recent when the backup was taken. See if everything works and do the update again - and give it time to finish the migration in the database. I’ve seen reports, where people neede to wait hours(!!), before it finished. If this doesn’t work either, still assuming the db migration is your problem, there is a guide to do that migration manually. I can search for the thread, if necessary! :slight_smile:

EDIT: Found the thread, here are the instructions on how to do that migration offline:

Let us know, what you’re doing and if it works! :slight_smile:

As the op said his topic is hijaket and i started it. Im sorry but i have to replay to this guy.

First of all i dont blame others. I said that this is stupidity. Second of all what is my mistake? Have a faith that developers knows what they are doing ? I have auto update for all containers nearly two years and havent had this situation.
But next time automation will disable all updates because this is ridiculous.
As for vacation goes everyone with as a little brain cell can conclude that major updates should be performed when majority of people around the globe will be at home. Let start with september for ie.
And if you are telling me that people here doesnt go on the vacation than there is obviously something wrong with them.


That is the funniest thing I have read all year.


But then I’m on holidays!

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Winter is Coming, well it’s here, so summer is coming.