Update from Github and restart

Confirmed as solution to the Travis build problem. Thank You!

For some reason, my update script does not work.
This is the script I try to call via HASS to update the config and then reload HASS:

Extract from my HASS config:
git_pull: 'sudo bash /opt/home_assistant/bash/git_pull.sh'

   alias: 'Get Latest Config'
      - service: shell_command.git_pull

I also added this script to my sudoers file, in order to let HASS use sudo:

homeassistant ALL = NOPASSWD: /opt/home_assistant/bash/git_pull.sh

The script works without any issue, if I execute it from the command line.
There is no error in the log. Any ideas?

Got if fixed. I had to clean some file and folder privileges, in order to pull the repository from within the env where HASS is installed.

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Would you be so kind to tell me what you did to get to get the pull working? I’m really struggling with this one,

Nevermind! I fixed it, It turns out some files weren’t owned by the homeassistant user

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@tmatheussen found this from yonks ago, are you still using it? :slight_smile: - I couldn’t find any info in your repo.

I’m not using it anymore, we moved to a new house 2 years ago and I’ve completely re-done my setup, including remote access :wink:
I do still use github for my config, but more and more stuff is moving to UI which reduces my repo setup, HA also has build-in protection to prevent starting with a breaking config, which totally negates the need for Travis even further.

If you really want to see the old stuff, you can look at this page:

this is basically my repo before removing a lot of legacy stuff