Update from using weather attributes with the new service: weather.get_forecasts

Yes, it seems likely.

There is no connection between the Action tool and the Template editor tool. You need to use the “Copy to Clipboard(Template)” button to copy the data and then paste it into the Template editor tool, otherwise the variable value doesn’t contain anything in the Template editor.

When you paste the copied data into the Template editor to test the template for your sensor, it will be pasted in as a set statement using whatever variable ID you assigned the response_variable in the action.

Trigger-based sensors are not supported in Template Helpers, they must be added to your configuration.yaml file (or a properly merged file that has template as the top-level key). Other “advanced” functions like delay_on, availability, and attributes are also only available when configured in YAML.


Super helpful! It worked, thanks!!!

Lessons learned for me:

  1. Copy To Clipboard (Template)
  2. Include in configuration.yaml

Over the past year, I have been trying to reduce my configuration.yaml and use more of the new configuration features like Helpers and Templates in HA.

I’ve been searching for a function that does this for months. That said, your Result panel arrangement looks different than mine. Mine is a concatenated string, comma delimited without line breaks between attributes.

Screen shot?

Here ya go.

This is from the template editor:

This is a different entity with multiple attributes as shown in the entity states tool: