Update not possible; installation of addons failed - an unsupported installation

ok, sorry.
lost in translation! (i am german)

i misunderstood and thought i should now, when installing os-agent, specify the filename of the file i used for the HA installation.

but I have understood it now

sorry and thanks :frowning:

kann mir hierzu jemand noch eine auskunft geben?

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It’s a bit difficult to tell to be honest. The reality is - that all the components that Home Assistant is currently complaining about being missing - causing the unsupported installation message - are in fact necessary, including NetworkManager. Additionally the underlying OS for the host MUST be Debian 11. Ubuntu or Debian 10 is no longer supported.

that not good :frowning:

so here is my host system:2022-01-01 21_34_47-openmediavault control panel - NAS

should actually be debian 11!?