Update notification / Version in devinfo

Hi all,

I have two issues, that seem to/might be related.

I keep receiving update notifications daily, even though I am using the correct version.

The other issue is that the version shown in my devinfo screen is 0.46.0. I have removed my cookies/cache and the log files. Same thing across browsers and iPhone app.

Using a normal install on Jessie.

I had a similar issue in the past.

My issue was this one, don’t know if it might be the same.

My initial Hass installation was done from an Hassbian image, which installs Hass in a virtual environment, so I had actually NOT updated the virtual environment.

I saw that to, but I don’t recall installing it in a virtual environment.
I tried the procedure anyway, and run into an issue when running the stop command, so I assume I am right it is not set up as virtual… I may be very wrong.
sudo systemctl stop [email protected]

Which install process did you follow?

Can you link to it?

honestly… I don’t remember lol. not very strong on linux, so I basicly followed tuts until it worked.

I just followed the procedure here to update home assistant, and there seems to be a virtualenv set up, but still it shows version 0.46.0

Is it possible I have two parallel installs?

Thanks for the help guys!

While re-installing homeassistant, I figured out that I used the all-in-one installer, which would mean it uses the virtual env. right?

It’ll take a minute to finish up, I will let you know if things turn out great :).

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[quote=“boneless, post:6, topic:21916, full:true”]
While re-installing homeassistant, I figured out that I used the all-in-one installer, which would mean it uses the virtual env. right?[/quote]

Per the docs yes it does.

A bit late now, but the hassbian image is a much quicker install from my experience. Something to keep in mind if you start over again in the future.

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Thanks! I was looking at that, but was thinking of running kodi on the same rPi. Not sure if that would be supported…

Got things back up and running now, seems to be working fine :slight_smile:
