UPDATED! SolarEdge Modbus full setup guide with Energy Dashboard integration for Installations with Battery connected

That is strange. If the sensor is there, is increasing and is being recorded in the Database, it should be available. Maybe check under “Developer Tools - Statistics” if there are any issues which you can Fix. I think I had something similar at some point and that solved it for me.

Well that was an easy fix. Had never seen that statistics area before. Resolved right away.

## Unsupported unit in recorded statistics

The unit of the statistics in your database for this entity is not a supported unit for the device class of the entity, energy. It should be kWh.

Do you want to update the unit of the history statistics to kWh?


Yeah, found it during building my configuration. Too many tests made some of these long term statistics entities invalid. So I just tried the “Fix whatever you can, I trust you fully”- Button…and…it works!!!:wink:

Hello! At first I’d like to thank you for all the time and effort, designing this incredible dashboard!
Unfortunately, I am just starting to integrate this and now I have reached a dead end.
I am struggling with the values I get from the integration or simply the values from the inverter and I don’t know, what ist going here.
I am using the binsentu-Integration and I am able to read the values via Modbus. However, I can’t explain, how to read some of them. For example:
Value via Modbus integration: sensor.solaredge_ac_energy_kwh: 3.866,065 kWh
Value on Inverter Display: 32515 kWh
The value on the Inverter Display should be correct and the value from the modbus integration is far from a realistic value.
These are the entities I use for the Energy-Dashboard, which I assume are correct, the power distribution today the values from the solaredge portal:

Sorry for the weird screenshot, but I am only allowed to upload one media file.
So except for the value “From Grid” all values are differing and I don’t understand, why! I have an SE9K for production and a SE3680 for the battery with a LG RESU10H.
Any ideas? Would be great :). Thx!!

The solar panel entity used in the energy dashboard should be Solar panel production daily according to the guide in the OP.

I wonder if the setup with 2 inverters may also give you different values. I only have one inverter and do not know how 2 inverters would be handled through the modbus integration…

@SgtBatten I don’t have that entity available. :frowning:

You are right. The integration is only asking the “master”-inverter (battery inverter) which is delivers really weird values. I have no idea, what those values are representing.
So for this to work I’d need to read both inverters which is obviously not possible with the binsentu-integration :frowning:

Maybe this will help, it is a fork from the integration enabling multiple inverters as well apparently. Haven’t tried it myself though

Thank you so much!! The fork is working now and the values are correct. Now I can go on and see how to integrate your custom dashboard :slight_smile:

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You just add both inverters :wink:
I use the original integration with 2 inverters, each having an LG Battery.

BTW: the dashboard looks awesome, I’ll also take a look into it !

Hi may I ask how you get the flow lines between solar/grid/home seperated from eachother? For me they all show together.

I use a fork of the Tesla style card:

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Hey Remko,

i have watched the values about a week now and i’m pretty sure, that there must be an isse. I understand your argumentation, but something must be “not OK”.

Please look at my Screenshots. Both are from the same time and this would only occur, if the House consumes most of the Power from the Battery and - this is since you changed the behavior of the house consumption.

Many thanks. Working now.
It’s a welcome small addition :grin:

I do see a similar difference and in my case I can explain it with the battery effectiveness. Could you check the value of that sensor when you have this situation?

Which Sensor do you explicit mean?

I can say, that 168w @House Consumption must be wrong. In my case 1 Rack (POE Switch, Server, …) run 24/7 which constant uses about 170w or more.


That sensor

Homeasisstant complaints that it cant find /config/energy.yaml. Is it possible that i need to provide the path?

    energy: !include packages/energy.yaml```
  packages: !include_dir_named packages
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