Updated to 12.7 from 11.2 and alarm control panel colors are changed

I updated to latest release and it changed my alarm control panel colors and other colors for presence and maybe more.

Is there a way to set these back to normal? before alarm icon was red with lock when armed and green with slash when disarmed. Now after update its green with lock when armed and blue with slash when disarmed.
I wouldnt think id have to manually edit yaml to fix the colors but sure can if thats only option.

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See this thread:

Some things mentioned are fixed - but I think lock colours are still pending.

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Ok wow sounds like a big issue. I will try the “solution” as that will get things closer to “normal”. currently seems almost backwards :slight_smile: Hope the fix for alarm disarm/armed colors are fixed soon too. Thanks for the link btw @zoogara

I should mention none of this is a HUGE deal but sure will be nice to easily change state colors without a bunch of manual code like:

type: custom:button-card
  - value: locked
    color: forestgreen
  - value: unlocked
    color: firebrick
        - animation:
            - blink 1.0s infinite
  action: more-info
  haptic: success
entity: lock.front_door
show_state: true
show_name: true
show_icon: true

Again not a huge deal to do this for alarm system i guess but it was just fine before so im sure will get fixed soon enough

Hi @randr ,

For ages i have been googling to solve my issue with state colors until I ended up at your post.
Problem solved. Thanx for posting! Very much appreciated.

Kind regards,

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