Upgraded to Aeotec z-stick gen5 plus

I just upgraded to the aeotec z-stick gen5 plus on my RPI4-4Gb and I can confirm that it works without a USB hub. I also get a bunch of new entities on my devices since many of them are zwave plus.

Overall my initial impression is positive and excluding / including wasn’t as painful as I had expected. I still need to include my door locks which I’ll do this weekend and post my results as a reply to this message.

Did you upgrade from the non plus version?

It is said on the website:

There for you when your devices need updating, Z-Stick Gen5+ contains all the hardware needed to power over-the-air, Z-Wave firmware updates

I have the fibaro dimmer with the flickering bug. Do you know if this offers way to update devices or would still be only possible with the same brand hubs? (Worst feature of the z-wave :frowning: )

Fibaro still don’t make their firmware publicly available. It sucks from a user perspective.

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The Aeotec Z-Stick is the hub…


The older version of that stick needs a USB hub in order to work with the Raspberry 4.

Oh right, now I get you. I didn’t realise that. Perhaps edit the first post to say ‘USB hub’.

I previously used one with a RPi3, now a NUC, never needed a USB hub.

Which z-wave integration are you using in Home assistant? I’m using the native integration and am having some problems (see this topic).

I am using the native zwave interface, I had a lot of problems when I still had zwave devices that were not migrated to the new z-stick. I’m still having problems with 2 of my door switches one of them doesn’t stay connected, the other one isn’t reporting it’s battery percentage. one thing that I did find that helped was every time I added a new device I used the heal network. Also, I didn’t add any of my devices via the UI until I got all of my wall switches migrated to HA. I also found that excluding the device with the z-stick before adding it to HA helped add the device properly.

I migrated from openhab so I wanted to get everything migrated over to HA before tempting something like openzwave.

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The stick contains “all the hardware needed” but Fibaro does not share its firmwares, so… :wink: