Upgrading to 0.112.3 I Suspect DNS Values Are Hardcoded

According to GitHub instructions, this type of request needs to be posted on the forums, so here goes. Please vote if you agree with the idea.

Sorry I thought you identified a bug. You are correct that feature requests belong on the forum.

Maybe you should mark it as a bug as well. This is very much an unwanted situation

Since I’ve started actively filtering DOT & DOH on my internal network I’ve noticed that “suddenly” my HA installation tried to reach Cloudflare continiously on a constant basis about 350 DOT “calls” per 5 minutes. This is constant over several hours of operation.
Running the latest core-2021.4.2 & supervisor-2021.04.0

Should definately be addressed. I do not want any to perform any lookups without my consent.

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