URL for snapshot and RTSP for amcrest camera?

this URL works for hikvision cameras snapshots:
http://admin:[email protected]/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/102/picture

but now that i have AMCREST cameras, i cant find the proper url for snapshots or RTSP. do i need an NVR for it to work? my previous Hikvision cameras do not require NVR

Have you tried using the Amcrest integration with your Amcrest cameras?

What is the model number of the Amcrest camera(s)?

IP8M-2496EB. 4K camera

i did not use Amcrest integration. i was hoping for a url for snapshot and another url for rtsp.
this is because those URLs will be used for things such as smartmirror in the house as well.

Ok, if you’d rather not use the integration along with the exposed services, then you can find the Amcrest HTTP API definition here:


The RTSP URL comes in this form:


Usually the channel is 1 and subtype is 0, but it may differ depending on your camera. Try 0, 0 and 1, 1.

Not sure about the snapshots, though. I proxy all of my cameras through ZoneMinder.


this works!
rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0
when i was googling, someone suggested this rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1?subtype=0 hence it didnt work

how about snapshot url? is that possible with amcrest cams?

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Yes, definitely. https://www.ispyconnect.com/man.aspx?n=amcrest&page=4

Yes. Per the doc I pointed you to, on page 25:


where <server> is USER:PASSWORD@IPADDRESS:PORT, and the default port is 80. Also the ?channel=1 part is optional (i.e., it defaults to channel 1.)

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i followed and using this format seems to almost work

the page loads and asks for a user id and pw. upon manually typing in again, an image loads up. so now i know it’s a syntax issue somewhere


http://admin:[email protected]/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi

Of course change loginpas to the correct password. Whatever uses this URL needs to support Digest Authentication, since that’s what Amcrest cameras use. Most, if not all, browsers do.

ok. this works in chrome:
http://admin:[email protected]/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi

IE does not like it for some reason

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This also worked for me to get the rtsp stream!!! Thank you all!!

Can anyone help point me in the right direction for setting up events and/or notifications with the Amcrest AD110??

I have been scratching my head for two days already on this rtsp issue and it took an accidental discovery while adding another rtsp camera that I even figured out how to get the AD110 set up correctly (and your url was my life saver). I’m new to HA and I am getting the hang of it, but do I have to add extra code to get automations and notifications to work with the AD110? I have followed the directions of rroller on github for the dahua camera but that hasn’t proven successful with this camera.

There have been several reports of events not working with the custom Dahua Integration. If you want to continue to try using it, then it’s best to refer to RRoller’s Dahua Github and follow any issues that match yours.

Another issue with motion/doorbell events specific to the AD110 is the latest production firmware update broke this capability. Amcrest developers have admitted to this flub and have provided a beta version that fixes it. Installing a back-level firmware also fixes it. Contact Amcrest Support by opening a ticket and request one or the other.

Once you’ve confirmed your AD110 firmware is NOT on the 1.000.00AC008.2.R.220907 release, you should try the custom Dahua Integration again. If you are still having problems, then I suggest that you try the core Amcrest Integration.

I’ve provided instructions for how to set up motion/doorbell press event handling here:

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That is a lot of great information!! I have emailed support and should have a reply shortly about reverting back my firmware. Hopefully that will fix my issue. Either way, you have given some great code and tips with which to move forward.

I’m super new to Home Assistant (1 week in) so I may reach out with questions about the events if I have any. I think it should be pretty easy to figure out.

Does anyone know of any youtube videos that go into great step-by-step instructions on setting up am rstp camera? I’ve found videos that piece parts of it together but not any that cover it all. I can make one, but I’m assuming I just haven’t found the right video yet.

i made a video of this ad410 and HA integration here Amcrest doorbell AD410 review and installation. no monthly fees, RTSP - YouTube
no idea if that will work for your ad110.

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This was a HUGE help. I got the link to the program required to revert my AD110 back to older firmware. I completed that process and then put your script to work for me. I have the doorbell button notification working perfectly with your script!! The Object Motion script is not using the PIR sensor and giving me mroe notices via HA than the Doorbell Native App. So I am working on combining your AD410 and the AD110 script to get sometihing that works. I will report back with findings.

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