There have been several reports of events not working with the custom Dahua Integration. If you want to continue to try using it, then it’s best to refer to RRoller’s Dahua Github and follow any issues that match yours.
Another issue with motion/doorbell events specific to the AD110 is the latest production firmware update broke this capability. Amcrest developers have admitted to this flub and have provided a beta version that fixes it. Installing a back-level firmware also fixes it. Contact Amcrest Support by opening a ticket and request one or the other.
Once you’ve confirmed your AD110 firmware is NOT on the 1.000.00AC008.2.R.220907 release, you should try the custom Dahua Integration again. If you are still having problems, then I suggest that you try the core Amcrest Integration.
I’ve provided instructions for how to set up motion/doorbell press event handling here: