USB problem with Rfxcom and Conbee on Rpi3

I cant find the solution for getting them working together.
The problem is what i can read, that they want the same usb port, ived tried to assaign Rfxcom to another port by change in configuration.yaml but that dosent work.
There are Dockers but i don know how t use them…
I am a user, not a programmer…is there a solution?

I assume you are using HassIO. What does the hardware info show?

Deconz historically has required conbee to be on /dev/usb0, with the latest update you can specify where Deconz should look for conbee. Deconz for

How/where do i specify that?
Yes i am using

// Marcus

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Ok i see the update now !
Hope it will work :wink: @Robban

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I had to reflash but no its working, thanks everybody!