USB webcam on Hassio

thanks, I install that addon, but still I cant open/start my Raspberry Pi camera. I cant see anything from it. Should I change something?

  "config": "",
  "videodevice": "/dev/video0",
  "input": 0,
  "width": 640,
  "height": 480,
  "framerate": 2,
  "text_right": "%Y-%m-%d %T-%q",
  "target_dir": "/share/motion",
  "snapshot_interval": 30,
  "snapshot_name": "%v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot",
  "picture_output": "on",
  "picture_name": "%v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-%q",
  "webcontrol_local": "on",
  "webcontrol_html": "on"

here’s mine.
“config”: “”,
“videodevice”: “/dev/video0”,
“input”: 0,
“width”: 640,
“height”: 480,
“framerate”: 2,
“text_right”: “%Y-%m-%d %T-%q”,
“target_dir”: “/share/motion”,
“snapshot_interval”: 3,
“snapshot_name”: “latest”,
“picture_output”: “off”,
“picture_name”: “%v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-%q-motion-capture”,
“webcontrol_local”: “on”,
“webcontrol_html”: “on”

i turned picture_output off because otherwise it filled my sdcard up. now i just use the last taken image to display which obviously overwrites itself.

did you forward the port in your router?

plus did you add this to your configuration.yaml?



  • platform: local_file
    name: kitchen cam
    file_path: /share/motion/lastsnap.jpg


also can’t remember if I manually had to add the motion folder or if the addon makes that directory. just check at /share/ and if motion dir is missing then just create one.

Is the HerrHofrat addon still working for other people? Not showing up in Hassio for me

i can’t remember exactly when it all changed but it won’t work on the latest release of hassio because the missing architecture code. just use mine for now :wink:

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I’ve followed the above instructions. My USB camera is working, recording in the ‘/share/motion’ folder…, etc.
However I have 2 questions:

  • how to get the image displayed on-line in ‘hassio’ ?,
  • how to stop recording in ‘/share/motion’ ? (because my SD-card is going full).

I created a fork of the addon which exposes the MJPEG feed, but there is some issue and it doesn’t display on the HA front-end. Maybe you will have better luck

Re managing the SD card, you should use automations with

O.K. Interesting - I’ll try…
The option ‘periodic snapshot’ is interesting.
Is it possible to have the snapshots saved to external USB stick with ex. 8GB size?
Then if full - start overwriting old snapshots?

that certainly will have come up on the forums before

OK, so I must read more about that…

Hello. is this motion add-ons still working? I am having the same trouble here.
I want to display the USB cam which is plugged in to my raspberry pi 3 to the lovelace user interface. Any idea how? Thanks

can this be done on hassos?

Does Motion add-on support PTZ cameras like Obsbot?