Use a TP-Link HS110 to monitor my washing machine

Check that the entity still exists/provides the correct info. There were changes to the TP-Link integration so the power entities were created natively instead of having to use a template when the new Energy integration was released.

These are my entities, already changed the attribute to: wasmachine_current_consumption, without any luck.

value_template: ‘{{ states.switch.wasmachine.attributes[“wasmachine_current_consumption”] | replace(" W", “”) | float <1.5 }}’

After that change those aren’t attributes anymore so you don’t need the template sensors.

{{ states('sensor.wasmachine_current_consumption') }}

As Dennis mentions, there is now an entity for each attribute, so no need to split them out in templates. To create the sensor like you have, it should look more like this:

value_template: ‘{{ states(sensor.washing_machine_current_consumption) | float <1.5 }}’
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I tried that, that but, 'washing_machine_current show’s me TRUE all the time, even if the machine is running.

Maybe you find something usefull in my config: my-hass-config/laundry.yaml at b2f6658889788bb4ba14a95b46e9842a94006fc7 · xirixiz/my-hass-config · GitHub

I had to change some things last month as well.

Thanks for you answers, got it working again. Not completly as i would but for now i am happy with it.
Removed the extra state sensor and added an automation that notifies me if the wattage is below 1 for a couple of minutes.

Only thing now i cannot see if the machine currently is running or not, but i will figure this ou.
Thanks @xirixiz for your config, it has some nice features in it that i will try.

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Does anyone know if this has changed? The template perpetually shows us unavailable on my UI despite various iterations… the two obvious ones:

value_template: ‘{{ states(sensor.bedroom_heater_current_consumption) | replace(" W", "") | float <1.5 }}’

value_template: ‘{{ states(sensor.bedroom_heater_current_consumption) | float <1.5 }}’

Driving me nuts … the standard card shows that the sensor is available and functional!

Here is what I’m using:

      unique_id: dishwasher_in_use
      friendly_name: Dishwasher In Use
      device_class: power
        minutes: 40
      value_template: >-
        {{ states('sensor.dishwasher_power') |float(default=0) > 5 }}

Note that I renamed the .*current_consumption entities to .*power

Thanks mate this worked! I’m guessing it was null/None(?) but even when on it didn’t want to work. Seems strange there’s so many variations of essentially the same outcome in this thread