Use Directv component to change channel in script

Hi All,

I’m now making some nice scripts with my Echo Dot and was wondering if there is a way to have the Directv component change the channel to my favorite news channel in the Good Morning script.
I have setup an Alexa skill named “farm” and use that to say:
Alexa, tell the farm Good Morning or Alexa, tell the farm Jim says Good Morning.
The script Good Morning turns on several lights and my Sony TV and Directv Genie.
The script Jim Says Good Morning only turns certain lights and the “den tv”
The script Pennie Says Good Morning turns on her lights and TV

I would like to have a delay for say 10 seconds and send the directv a command to goto channel 360 for me, maybe HGTV for Pennie. I think I saw the Directv component would only turn the power on or off, is there a channel command?


I am actually working on an update for directv. It allows for genie rvu connections to be properly added like other clients. I know there is a command for channel, tune_channel(channel). Example: tune_channel(‘290’). It would need to be ran from the directv object. I am away for work but might be able to create a script in a couple of days, if you havent done so by then.

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Being able to change the channel would be great or at least be run a script that would change to a particular channel.

Has anyone been able to take a look at being able to accomplish this?

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I also would like to change my DTV channel via HASS. Any update on this?

Thank you for this. I’ve been dying for RVU support since I have a C61K downstairs with all my other IoT gadgets and the main HR54 upstairs in the rec-room, which is rarely used.

Having the C61K show up in hass would be awesome.I’m more than willing to help test when you get to that point.

so i have found i can change channels with a shell command (where 360 is the channel)

shell_command: dtv_news: '/usr/bin/curl -X GET'

but I’m not experienced enough to incorporate this into the DirecTV component or even a scene

I was hoping for something like this if a scene was the only way to make it work, but not sure how,


  • name: DTV News
    data: 360[/code]

Hope this helps and any input would be greatly appreciated.

So here is what i was able to come up with.
Hope it helps someone else.

  dtv_channel: '/usr/bin/curl -X GET http://{{ip}}:8080/tv/tune?major={{channel}}&minor=65535'

  - alias: "your automation name"
      - platform: state
        entity_id: your.trigger_here
        to: 'on'
      - service: shell_command.dtv_channel
          channel: '202'
          ip: ''
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