Use ESPHome with e-ink Displays to blend in with your home decor!

That looks amazing! Do you mind to share the code? I am interested to learn how you have done with the images.

Here you go, let me know if you want the images as well.

  name: "ink-display-01"
  friendly_name: Ink Display 1
      priority: 200.0
        - component.update: eink_display
        - delay: 10s
        - logger.log: "Initial sensor data received: Refreshing display..."
        - lambda: 'id(initial_data_received) = true;'
        - script.execute: update_screen

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

# Enable logging

    key: "REMOVED"

# Global variables for detecting if the display needs to be refreshed. (Thanks @paviro!)
  - id: data_updated
    type: bool
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: 'false'
  - id: initial_data_received
    type: bool
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: 'false'
  - id: recorded_display_refresh
    type: int
    restore_value: yes
    initial_value: '0'

# Script for updating screen - Refresh display and publish refresh count and time. (Thanks @paviro!)
  - id: update_screen
      - component.update: eink_display

# Check whether the display needs to be refreshed every minute,
# based on whether new data is received or motion is detected. (Thanks @paviro!)
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: homeassistant_time
      - seconds: 0
        minutes: /1
          - if:
                binary_sensor.is_on: motion_detected
                - script.execute: update_screen

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Esphome-Web-E1E44C"
    password: "SomeRandomPasswordThatShouldBeLong&Secure"
  reboot_timeout: 300s

#Include sun
  latitude: INSERT YOUR OWN
  longitude: INSERT YOUR OWN

# Include custom fonts
  - file: 'fonts/GothamRnd-Book.ttf'
    id: font_small_book
    size: 18
  - file: 'fonts/GothamRnd-Bold.ttf'
    id: font_large_bold
    size: 108
    glyphs: [' ', '°', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'C',]
  - file: 'fonts/GothamRnd-Bold.ttf'
    id: font_time
    size: 90
    glyphs: [' ', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':']
  - file: 'fonts/GothamRnd-Book.ttf'
    id: font_items
    size: 35    
  - file: 'fonts/GothamRnd-Book.ttf'
    id: font_weekday
    size: 45
  - file: 'fonts/GothamRnd-Book.ttf'
    id: font_day
    size: 74
    glyphs: [' ', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
  - file: 'fonts/GothamRnd-Bold.ttf'
    id: font_month
    size: 55
  - file: 'fonts/GothamRnd-Bold.ttf'
    id: font_medium_bold
    size: 40
    #glyphs: [' ', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'M', 'I', 'N']
  - file: 'fonts/GothamRnd-Bold.ttf'
    id: font_small_bold
    size: 25
    #glyphs: [' ', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'M', 'I', 'N']
  - file: 'fonts/GothamRnd-Bold.ttf'
    id: header_small_bold
    size: 18    
    # glyphs: ['°', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'C', 'M', 'I', 'N']
  - file: 'fonts/GothamRnd-Bold.ttf'
    id: inside_weather_small
    size: 17      
  - file: 'fonts/GothamRnd-Bold.ttf'
    id: outside_weather_large
    size: 20       
  - file: 'fonts/GothamRnd-Bold.ttf'
    id: aircon_small
    size: 14      
    # glyphs: ['°', 'O', 'F', 'H', 'E', 'A', 'T', 'C', 'L', '8', '9', 'C', 'M', 'I', 'N']

  - file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
    id: font_mdi_large
    size: 96
    glyphs: &mdi-glyphs
      #- "\U+00B5" #micro sign
      #- "\U+00B3" #cubed
      - "\U000F0590" # mdi-weather-cloudy
      - "\U000F0F2F" # mdi-weather-cloudy-alert
      - "\U000F0E6E" # mdi-weather-cloudy-arrow-right
      - "\U000F0591" # mdi-weather-fog
      - "\U000F0592" # mdi-weather-hail
      - "\U000F0F30" # mdi-weather-hazy
      - "\U000F0898" # mdi-weather-hurricane
      - "\U000F0593" # mdi-weather-lightning
      - "\U000F067E" # mdi-weather-lightning-rainy
      - "\U000F0594" # mdi-weather-night
      - "\U000F0F31" # mdi-weather-night-partly-cloudy
      - "\U000F0595" # mdi-weather-partly-cloudy
      - "\U000F0F32" # mdi-weather-partly-lightning
      - "\U000F0F33" # mdi-weather-partly-rainy
      - "\U000F0F34" # mdi-weather-partly-snowy
      - "\U000F0F35" # mdi-weather-partly-snowy-rainy
      - "\U000F0596" # mdi-weather-pouring
      - "\U000F0597" # mdi-weather-rainy
      - "\U000F0598" # mdi-weather-snowy
      - "\U000F0F36" # mdi-weather-snowy-heavy
      - "\U000F067F" # mdi-weather-snowy-rainy
      - "\U000F0599" # mdi-weather-sunny
      - "\U000F0F37" # mdi-weather-sunny-alert
      - "\U000F14E4" # mdi-weather-sunny-off
      - "\U000F059A" # mdi-weather-sunset
      - "\U000F059B" # mdi-weather-sunset-down
      - "\U000F059C" # mdi-weather-sunset-up
      - "\U000F0F38" # mdi-weather-tornado
      - "\U000F059D" # mdi-weather-windy
      - "\U000F059E" # mdi-weather-windy-variant
      - "\U000F05A9" # mdi-wifi
      - "\U000F058E" # mdi-water-percent
      - "\U000F0F61" # mdi-moon-first-quarter
      - "\U000F0F62" # mdi-moon-full
      - "\U000F0F63" # mdi-moon-last-quarter
      - "\U000F0F64" # mdi-moon-new
      - "\U000F0F65" # mdi-moon-waning-crescent
      - "\U000F0F66" # mdi-moon-waning-gibbous
      - "\U000F0F67" # mdi-moon-waxing-crescent
      - "\U000F0F68" # mdi-moon-waxing-gibbous   
      - "\U000F001B" # mdi-air-conditioner
      - "\U000F1A5F" # mdi-pool-thermometer

  - file: 'fonts/GothamRnd-Bold.ttf'
    id: inside_weather_smaller
    size: 11
    glyphs: ['p', 'm', '2', 'µ', '/', '3']   

  - file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
    id: font_mdi_moon_phase
    size: 50
    glyphs: *mdi-glyphs

  - file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
    id: font_mdi_sun
    size: 70
    glyphs: *mdi-glyphs  

  - file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
    id: font_mdi_medium
    size: 36
    glyphs: *mdi-glyphs

  - file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
    id: font_mdi_aircon
    size: 25
    glyphs: *mdi-glyphs

  - file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
    id: font_mdi_pool
    size: 80
    glyphs: *mdi-glyphs   

  - file: 'fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
    id: mdi_custom_medium
    size: 30
    glyphs: *mdi-glyphs

# Include Images
  - file: "images/mountains.png"
    id: image_mountains
    type: BINARY
  - file: "images/home_icon.png"
    id: image_home
    type: BINARY  
  - file: "images/pool.png"
    id: image_pool
    type: BINARY      
  - file: "images/filter.png"
    id: image_filter
    type: BINARY       
  - file: "images/jets.png"
    id: image_jets
    type: BINARY 

# Check if motion is detected in the Kitchen via Home Assistant.
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: binary_sensor.kitchen_sensor_motion
    id: motion_detected

# Storage Sensors
  - platform: template
    name: "Display Last Update"
    device_class: timestamp
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
    id: display_last_update    

  - platform: template
    name: "Recorded Display Refresh"
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: "Refreshes"
    state_class: "total_increasing"
    entity_category: "diagnostic"
    lambda: 'return id(recorded_display_refresh);'

# Home Assistant Sensors
  # PM2 Sensor
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.living_room_air_quality
    id: living_room_pm2

  # Roof Temperature
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.roof_temp
    id: roof_temperature

  # Pool Temperature
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.pool_water_temp
    id: pool_temp

  # Temperature - Home Outdoor Temperature
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.balcony_temperature
    # attribute: temperature
    id: weather_temperature

  # Temperature - Home Inside Temperature
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.dining_room_ac_temperature
    id: inside_temp

  # Temperature - Home Sensors
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.dining_room_ac_humidity
    id: inside_humidity   
  # Humidity - Home Sensors
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: weather.forecast_home
    attribute: humidity
    id: weather_humidity

  # Air pressure - AccuWeather
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: weather.forecast_home
    attribute: pressure
    id: weather_pressure

  # Strong Wind
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.accuweather_wind_gust
    id: wind_warning

  # Wind Speed 
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.accuweather_wind
    # attribute: wind_speed
    id: wind_speed

  # UV Index
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.accuweather_uv_index
    id: uv_index

  # WiFi Signal     
  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "WiFi Signal Sensor"
    id: wifisignal

  # Temp Trend
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.balcony_temperature
    id: temp_trend

  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: switch.pool_filter
    id: pool_filter

  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: switch.pool_jets
    id: pool_jets   

  # Weather State
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: weather.forecast_home
    id: condition

  # # Weatherman entities
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: weather.forecast_home
    id: weather_condition_now

    # Day/Night Sensor
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: input_boolean.day_night
    id: day_night  

  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: climate.aircon_1
    id: aircon_1
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: climate.aircon_2
    id: aircon_2
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: climate.aircon_3
    id: aircon_3
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: climate.aircon_4
    id: aircon_4
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: climate.aircon_5
    id: aircon_5

  # Sunrise
  - platform: sun
    type: sunrise
    id: sun_sunrise
    format: "%H:%M"
  # Sunset
  - platform: sun
    type: sunset
    id: sun_sunset
    format: "%H:%M"
  # Moon phase
  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.moon_phase
    id: moon_phase

# Define colors
# This design is white on black so this is necessary.
  - id: color_black
    red: 0%
    green: 0%
    blue: 0%
    white: 50%
  - id: color_white
    red: 0%
    green: 0%
    blue: 0%
    white: 0%

# Pins for Waveshare ePaper ESP Board
  clk_pin: GPIO13
  mosi_pin: GPIO14

# Now render everything on the ePaper screen.
  - platform: waveshare_epaper
    id: eink_display
    #id: epaper
    cs_pin: 15
    busy_pin: 25
    reset_pin: 26
    dc_pin: 27
    model: 7.50inV2alt
    update_interval: never
    rotation: 90°
    auto_clear_enabled: false
    reset_duration: 2ms
    lambda: |-
      // Map weather states to MDI characters.
      std::map<std::string, std::string> visibility_short
          {"20-40", "30"},
          {"20-30", "25"},
          {"10-20", "15"},
      std::map<std::string, std::string> moon_icon_map
          {"first_quarter", "\U000F0F61"},
          {"full_moon", "\U000F0F62"},
          {"last_quarter", "\U000F0F63"},
          {"new_moon", "\U000F0F64"},
          {"waning_crescent", "\U000F0F65"},
          {"waning_gibbous", "\U000F0F66"},
          {"waning_crescent", "\U000F0F67"},
          {"waxing_gibbous", "\U000F0F68"},
      std::map<std::string, std::string> weather_icon_map
          {"cloudy", "\U000F0590"},
          {"cloudy-alert", "\U000F0F2F"},
          {"cloudy-arrow-right", "\U000F0E6E"},
          {"fog", "\U000F0591"},
          {"hail", "\U000F0592"},
          {"hazy", "\U000F0F30"},
          {"hurricane", "\U000F0898"},
          {"lightning", "\U000F0593"},
          {"lightning-rainy", "\U000F067E"},
          {"night", "\U000F0594"},
          {"night-partly-cloudy", "\U000F0F31"},
          {"partlycloudy", "\U000F0595"},
          {"partly-lightning", "\U000F0F32"},
          {"partly-rainy", "\U000F0F33"},
          {"partly-snowy", "\U000F0F34"},
          {"partly-snowy-rainy", "\U000F0F35"},
          {"pouring", "\U000F0596"},
          {"rainy", "\U000F0597"},
          {"snowy", "\U000F0598"},
          {"snowy-heavy", "\U000F0F36"},
          {"snowy-rainy", "\U000F067F"},
          {"sunny", "\U000F0599"},
          {"sunny-alert", "\U000F0F37"},
          {"sunny-off", "\U000F14E4"},
          {"sunset", "\U000F059A"},
          {"sunset-down", "\U000F059B"},
          {"sunset-up", "\U000F059C"},
          {"tornado", "\U000F0F38"},
          {"windy", "\U000F059D"},
          {"windy-variant", "\U000F059E"},

      // Fill background in white.

      // --IMAGES--------------------------
      it.image(15, 370, id(image_mountains)); //MOUNTAINS IMAGE
      it.image(40, 285, id(image_home)); //HOUSE IMAGE
      it.image(265, 283, id(image_pool)); //POOL IMAGE
      it.image(385, 326, id(image_filter)); //FILTER IMAGE
      it.image(390, 285, id(image_jets)); //JETS IMAGE

       // ---- POOL TEMPERATURE --------------------------------------------------------
      it.printf(330, 338, id(outside_weather_large), color_white, TextAlign::CENTER, "%2.0f°C", id(pool_temp).state);

      it.printf(135, 330, id(inside_weather_small), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "%2.0f°C", id(inside_temp).state);
      it.printf(126, 350, id(inside_weather_small), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "%2.0f", id(inside_humidity).state);
      it.printf(147, 350, id(inside_weather_small), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "%s", "%");
      it.printf(197, 353, id(inside_weather_small), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "%2.0f", id(living_room_pm2).state);
      it.printf(198, 338, id(inside_weather_smaller), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "%s", "pm2");
      it.printf(95, 295, id(inside_weather_small), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "%2.0f°C", id(roof_temperature).state);

      // --HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL LINES----------------
      it.rectangle(20, 240, 700, 1); //TOP
      it.rectangle(20, 365, 705, 1); //UNDER HOUSE AND POOL IMAGES
      it.rectangle(20, 585, 700, 1); //UNDER WOODFORDE   
      it.rectangle(20, 695, 710, 1); //UNDER WEATHER
      it.rectangle(335, 90, 1, 150); //VERTICAL LINE      

      // --AC INFORMATION-------  
      std::string state = id(aircon_1).state;
      std::transform(state.begin(), state.end(), state.begin(), ::toupper);
      it.printf(45, 244, id(font_mdi_aircon), color_black, TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "\U000F001B");
      it.printf(70, 250, id(aircon_small), color_black, TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "1:%s", state.c_str());

      state = id(aircon_2).state;
      std::transform(state.begin(), state.end(), state.begin(), ::toupper);
      it.printf(127, 244, id(font_mdi_aircon), color_black, TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "\U000F001B");
      it.printf(152, 250, id(aircon_small), color_black, TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "2:%s", state.c_str());

      state = id(aircon_3).state;
      std::transform(state.begin(), state.end(), state.begin(), ::toupper);
      it.printf(214, 244, id(font_mdi_aircon), color_black, TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "\U000F001B");
      it.printf(239, 250, id(aircon_small), color_black, TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "3:%s", state.c_str());

      state = id(aircon_4).state;
      std::transform(state.begin(), state.end(), state.begin(), ::toupper);
      it.printf(301, 244, id(font_mdi_aircon), color_black, TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "\U000F001B");
      it.printf(326, 250, id(aircon_small), color_black, TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "4:%s", state.c_str());

      state = id(aircon_5).state;
      std::transform(state.begin(), state.end(), state.begin(), ::toupper);
      it.printf(388, 244, id(font_mdi_aircon), color_black, TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "\U000F001B");
      it.printf(413, 250, id(aircon_small), color_black, TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "5:%s", state.c_str());

      // ---- POOL FILTER --------------------------------------------------------
      state = id(pool_filter).state;
      std::transform(state.begin(), state.end(), state.begin(), ::toupper);
      it.printf(445, 340, id(aircon_small), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "%s", state.c_str());      

        // ---- POOL JETS --------------------------------------------------------
      state = id(pool_jets).state;
      std::transform(state.begin(), state.end(), state.begin(), ::toupper);
      it.printf(445, 305, id(aircon_small), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "%s", state.c_str());       

      // ---- PRINT FULL WEEKDAY NAME ----------------------------------------------------------

      it.strftime(320, 100, id(font_weekday), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "%A", id(homeassistant_time).now());

      // ---- PRINT TIME in HH:MM FORMAT 335---------------------------------------------------

      it.strftime(200, 195, id(font_time), TextAlign::CENTER, "%H:%M", id(homeassistant_time).now());
      // ---- PRINT DATE -----------------------------------------------------------------------

      it.strftime(405, 95, id(font_day), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%d", id(homeassistant_time).now());

      // ---- PRINT MONTH ABBREVIATION ----------------------------------------------------------

      it.strftime(442, 220, id(font_month), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%b", id(homeassistant_time).now());

      // ---PLACE NAME--------------------------------------------------------------------------
      //  it.print(300, 315, id(font_weekday), color_black, TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "Mad House");

      // ---LOCATION NAME-----------------------------------------------------------------------
        it.print(250, 555, id(font_weekday), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "Woodforde");

      // --WEATHER STATE ICON ------------------------------------------------------------------

        it.printf(115, 640, id(font_mdi_large), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "%s", weather_icon_map[id(weather_condition_now).state.c_str()].c_str());

      // ---TEMPERATURE-------------------------------------------------------------------- TEMPERATURE

        if(id(weather_temperature).has_state ()) {
            it.printf(445, 590, id(font_large_bold), color_black, TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "%2.0f°C", id(weather_temperature).state);

      // ----SUNRISE---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNRISE

        if(id(sun_sunrise).has_state ()) {
            it.printf(45, 745, id(font_mdi_medium), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER_LEFT, "\U000F059C");
            it.printf(85, 745, id(font_small_bold), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER_LEFT, "%s", id(sun_sunrise).state.c_str());
      // ----SUNSET----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNSET

        if(id(sun_sunset).has_state ()) {
            it.printf(465, 745, id(font_mdi_medium), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER_RIGHT, "\U000F059B");
            it.printf(425, 745, id(font_small_bold), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER_RIGHT, "%s", id(sun_sunset).state.c_str());

      // ----FOOTER HEADERS--------------------------------------------------------------- FOOTER HEADERS

            it.printf(100, 718, id(header_small_bold), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "SUNRISE");
            it.printf(260, 718, id(header_small_bold), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "WIND SPEED");
            it.printf(410, 718, id(header_small_bold), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "SUNSET");
      // ----WIND-------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND

        if(id(wind_speed).has_state ()) {
            it.printf(215, 745, id(font_mdi_medium), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "\U000F059D");
            it.printf(245, 745, id(font_small_bold), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "%2.0f", id(wind_speed).state);
            it.printf(295, 745, id(font_small_bold), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "kmh");

      // ----WIRELESS-------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIRELESS

            it.printf(340, 645, id(mdi_custom_medium), color_black, TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "\U000F05A9");

      // ----- MOON PHASE ICON ------------------
        if(id(day_night).has_state ()) {
          if (id(day_night).state == "on") {
            it.printf(305, 410, id(font_mdi_moon_phase), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "%s", moon_icon_map[id(moon_phase).state.c_str()].c_str());
      // ---- HUMIDITY
        if(id(weather_humidity).has_state ()) {
            if (id(weather_humidity).state >= 1) {
            it.printf(210, 500, id(font_mdi_medium), color_black, TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "\U000F058E");
            it.printf(250, 500, id(font_items), color_black, TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%2.0f", id(weather_humidity).state);
            it.printf(255, 500, id(font_small_bold), color_black, TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", "%");

      // ----- UV INDEX
        if(id(day_night).has_state ()) {
            if (id(day_night).state == "off") {
            it.printf(305, 400, id(font_mdi_sun), color_black, TextAlign::CENTER, "\U000F0599");
            it.printf(360, 413, id(font_items), color_black, TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%2.0f", id(uv_index).state);
            it.printf(370, 413, id(font_small_bold), color_black, TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "UVI");


Thanks Chris, really appreciate it. I will dive in to the code :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I completed my dashboard, and I am pretty happy with the result so far. A lot of information is conditional and only shows when it´s necessary. For example when we need to pack fruit, or homework in the kids’ backpacks.

Uploaded everything here


Battery usage looks promising :grin:

Running for about 90 days now.


Where did you buy your ESP32 controler - Ali or ???

How did you achieve this? I have enough battery ( 18650 2200 mAh) for about a week. I use deep sleep and it works 5 minutes per hour.

I use a 3700 mAh LIPO as battery and a low power optimized ESP board (Firebeetle ESP32E).

It updates all its sensors every hour with a deep sleep in between, this takes about 20 seconds for every update. During the night is has a 8-hour deep sleep, as nobody will look at the display.

Can you show me a settings of your deep sleep?

Code can be found here: GitHub - jeroen85/epaper-display

Thank you!

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Does anyone knows if it ESPHome supports the 4 colors e-ink displays and if it does and example?


Officially - no. Unofficially - I can make it work with 3 colour display

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So I bought all the equipment and plugged the ESP32 into my Mac and I cannot get the ESP32 to show up so that I can add it as a new device in HA.

I also tried this on Windows and I tried a second USB chord.

Any ideas?

Try to use ESP Home, you must use Chrome as a browser for it to work

I don’t know if the Home Assistant addon also requires Chrome, however, you can read more about it here

For everyone looking for a fix for the grainy picture of the Waveshare 7,5" ePaper:
here it is and it’s perfectly working for my 2 displays which were horribly grainy all the time:

All credits go to @prapador and @Egglestron for implementing this fix.


My pleasure!

Pulling my hair out trying to set this up. When I paste the contents of sensors.yaml into configuration.yaml, I receive the following error:

Invalid config for [sensor]: required key not provided @ data['platform']. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 285).

Here is the code with the lines:

You are missing a template:

Try this

  - trigger:
      platform: time_pattern
      minutes: "/1"
      - name: Weatherman Data
        state: "OK"
          train_status: >

Se line 41 in the code

So when I add template, I get the following error:

duplicated mapping key (311:1)

 308 |       - "service_changes"
 309 | 
 310 | 
 311 | template:
 312 |