After more than a month I was FINALLY able to get this up and running, huzzah!
The final hurdle is that the display does not seem to like Fahrenheit. Given that all of the forecast temperatures get along nicely I am not sure what the header does not want to display the letter F given that it is in fonts. The only change I made from the original code was changing the letter C to F which works for all of the other temperatures.
// Weather Section
// it.image(0, 88, id(title_weather));
it.printf(240, 84, id(font_title), color_text, TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "WEATHER");
it.printf(100, 158, id(font_mdi_large), color_text, TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%s", weather_icon_map[id(weather_condition_now).state.c_str()].c_str());
it.printf(300, 158, id(font_large_bold), color_text, TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%2.0f°F", id(weather_temperature).state);
it.printf(105, 282, id(font_small_book), color_text, TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%s", id(weather_timestamp_0).state.c_str());
it.printf(105, 306, id(font_mdi_medium), color_text, TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%s", weather_icon_map[id(weather_condition_0).state.c_str()].c_str());
it.printf(105, 354, id(font_small_bold), color_text, TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%2.0f°F", id(weather_temperature_0).state);
it.printf(195, 282, id(font_small_book), color_text, TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "%s", id(weather_timestamp_1).state.c_str());