Use Google Cloud Speech-to-Text in Home Assistant

The recently announced voice stuff in 2023.5 are pretty neat, and of course both the local (whisper) and cloud speech-to-text are awesome.

But the more choices we have the better, so I made an integration that allows to use Google Cloud Speech-to-Text in HA. It’s pretty fast, supports a ton of languages and can be included in an assist pipeline like any other STT source.

For those insterested:


This is a MUST HAVE!!! Thank you very much :heart:

This is very helpful indeed :fire: especially if you are running home assistant on a less powerful machine and can not have models running locally this will just make things very fast :rocket: .

I saw that it might take 7 seconds for Speech to text to run using faster-whisper on a Raspberry Pi 4.

Could it be possible to run a model like Whisper on your own external server? If possible how?

Yes, there’s a docker image you can run in an external server. Check this thread:

I was able to setup an app to send audio over the websockets to Home-Assistant. Using Porcupine to detect a wake word and send the audio to a voice assistant pipeline.

This can work on a raspberry pi with a USB mic.

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I’ve activated the integration. It doesn’t appear as option for STT (it is there for TTS though). What am I missing? :slight_smile: (screenshot: )

Check that it is configured properly, the googlecloud.json file is valid (with API key etc) and HA is restarted.

Any stt related messages in the log?

I have just integrated Google Speetch-to-text and I have the following error in the log at startup.

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.config_validation] The stt integration does not support any configuration parameters, got [{'platform': 'google_cloud_stt', 'key_file': 'googlecloud.json', 'model': 'command_and_search'}]. Please remove the configuration parameters from your configuration.

I saw this happened to several people but I couldn't find a solution.
Can you help me ?

Hi, this is a known HA bug but it does not affect the integration, it should still work (if properly configured). I added a short FAQ in the README to let users know.

Thanks for your return.
I got stuck on this error, but I just tried and it works.
You should remember to restart HA after configuring the voice assistant.
Thanks for your addon, it’s great!

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