Use Signal Messenger for Notifications

Does it have better features then Telegram?

I will check that, thank you :)!

Thanks for the great idea.

I’ve been a big fan of Signal but am just getting started with Home Assistant on my Raspberry Pi.

I’m a little confused about the directory structure required for the notification python function.

In this thread I see that the python script is either in <config dir>/custom_components/notify/ or <config dir>/components/signalmessenger/

I’ve tried both but my HA instance continues to complain that:

3   2019-06-16 19:49:57 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for signalmessenger: Integration not found.                                                       │

where my configuration.yaml has:

  - name: signal
    platform: signalmessenger
    sender_nr: "number"
    recp_nr: "number"                                                                                                                                   
    signal_cli_path: /usr/local/bin/signal-cli                                                                                                                          

I’ve been trying to follow the setup described here but it’s a little confusing about the relationship between the directories, domain name, and services.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

EDIT: I’m looking at the Matrix notification bot and it seems we need additional structure/setup code. For example a setup function is required?

I have the same problem as @skulumani, or similar. I get

"Failed to call service notify/signal_test. Service not found."

…when I try to call my defined notify service

I’m trying to install the script to the same two location as you tried. I actually get no mention of “signalmessenger” if I don’t also add


to the configuration.yaml file. If I do, I get this in the logs:

2019-06-18 19:29:47 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for signalmessenger: Integration not found.

I’m running HA version 0.94.3 installed from pip in a docker container, and signal-cli works perfectly when I test it from the command line. I also tried all versions of the script from this thread and neither of them worked. Did something change in HA regarding how it handles these modules? I also tried to manually add the file to /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/homeassistant/components/notify/ to see if that helps, it didn’t change anything.

Okay cool. I think this integration requires more framework for Homeassistant to treat it as another component, which is why it fails to load.

I’m working on this as I learn more about home assistant. I’ll try to create a full package that can be added.


Okay, I figured out how to just make it work with minimal modifications. I used @sehaas (thanks!) version because it supports attachments, but I had to make two fixes in the code:

<     if not (recp_nr is None ^ group is None):
>     if not ((recp_nr is None) ^ (group is None)):
<             mainargs.extend(self.recp_nr)
>             mainargs.extend([self.recp_nr])

So, the solution for actually making the custom_component work is to add an file in the folder and to avoid setup error messages, a setup function that returns True.

The test payload I tried was (of course the image existed on my computer – it won’t send anything if the file doesn’t exist):

{"message": "foo bar", "data": {"attachments": "/config/www/images/bath-active.png"}}

Here’s a complete version of what works for me at version 0.94.3 of Home Assistant:

Add this to configuration.yaml (of course adjust the signal_cli_path and signal_conf_path variables according to where you have them):


  - name: signal_test
    platform: signalmessenger
    sender_nr: '<mysender-number>'
    recp_nr: '<myrecipient-number>'
    signal_cli_path: /opt/signal-cli/bin
    signal_conf_path: /config/.signal-cli

"""Signal Messenger integration using signal-cli.
Place this in `<confdir>/custom_components/signalmessenger/`

def setup(hass, config):
    return True, including the two fixes above (it is actually important to call it, otherwise the notify integration won’t be picked up by HA):

Signal Messenger for notify component.
Place this in `<confdir>/custom_components/signalmessenger/`
from os import path
import subprocess
import logging
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.components.notify import (
from homeassistant.const import CONF_API_KEY
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv


_LOGGER = logging.getLogger("signalmessenger")

CONF_SENDER_NR = 'sender_nr'
CONF_RECP_NR = 'recp_nr'
CONF_GROUP = 'group'
CONF_SIGNAL_CLI_PATH = 'signal_cli_path'
CONF_SIGNAL_CONF_PATH = 'signal_conf_path'

    vol.Optional(CONF_SENDER_NR): cv.string,
    vol.Optional(CONF_RECP_NR): cv.string,
    vol.Optional(CONF_GROUP): cv.string,
    vol.Optional(CONF_SIGNAL_CLI_PATH): cv.string,
    vol.Optional(CONF_SIGNAL_CONF_PATH): cv.string,

def get_service(hass, config, discovery_info=None):
    """Get the Join notification service."""
    sender_nr = config.get(CONF_SENDER_NR)
    recp_nr = config.get(CONF_RECP_NR)
    group = config.get(CONF_GROUP)
    signal_cli_path = config.get(CONF_SIGNAL_CLI_PATH)
    signal_conf_path = config.get(CONF_SIGNAL_CONF_PATH)

    if sender_nr is None or signal_cli_path is None:
        _LOGGER.error("Please specify sender_nr and signal_cli_path")
        return False
    if not ((recp_nr is None) ^ (group is None)):
        _LOGGER.error("Either recp_nr or group is required")
        return False

    return SignalNotificationService(sender_nr, recp_nr, group,
                                     signal_cli_path, signal_conf_path)

class SignalNotificationService(BaseNotificationService):
    """Implement the notification service for Join."""

    def __init__(self, sender_nr, recp_nr, group, signal_cli_path, signal_conf_path):
        """Initialize the service."""
        self.sender_nr = sender_nr
        self.recp_nr = recp_nr = group
        self.signal_cli_path = path.join(signal_cli_path, "signal-cli")
        self.signal_conf_path = signal_conf_path

    def send_message(self, message="", **kwargs):
        """Send a message to a user."""

        # Establish default command line arguments
        mainargs = [self.signal_cli_path]
        if self.signal_conf_path is not None:
            mainargs.extend(['--config', self.signal_conf_path])

        mainargs.extend(["-u", self.sender_nr, "send"])
        if is not None:

        mainargs.extend(["-m", message])

        # Add any "data":{"attachments":<value>} values as attachments to send.
        # Supports list to send multiple attachments at once.
        if kwargs is not None:
            data = kwargs.get('data',None)
            if data and data.get('attachments',False):
                attachments = kwargs['data']['attachments']
                if isinstance(attachments,str):

        # Raise an Exception if something goes wrong
        p = subprocess.Popen(mainargs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        # Wait for completion
        output, err = p.communicate()
        ret = p.returncode

        if ret != 0:
            raise Exception("Signal Error %d: '%s'" % (ret, err))

After this you should see the notify.<whatever_you_named_it> in the list of services on the Home Assistant web interface. If it’s not there, check the logs for mentions of signalmessenger.


That’s awesome! I’ll try it out tonight as well.

Thanks for the reply and debugging!

Hey @sehaas,

I just started using HA in docker but am not able to use signal-cli any more in this environment.

On my host system I can send signal messages via signal-cli and before I switched to docker, I was also able to send signal messages via HA.

What I did was to mount signal_cli_path, signal_conf_path and /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin but HA gives me the following error when I try to send a signal message via HA:

    output b "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.
    Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the location of your Java installation." - err b''

I have not much experience with docker. Could you explain a bit more in detail how you mounted signal-cli, JRE and the data folder as volumes?

Hey @s0n1c-hedgehog,
I mount a single volume under /signal-cli, which looks something like this:

  • java-latest/ => an extracted AdoptOpenJDK version
  • signal-cli-latest/ => current signal-cli version
  • data/ => the signal-cli config and data storage

The JAVA_HOME is set in my docker-compose.yml:

      - JAVA_HOME=/signal-cli/java-latest

I think you have to mount more than only the bin folder.

@attila_ha you are right, I made the same modifications for current HA versions, but I didn’t update my post. An empty with an manifest.json file worked for me.

Thank you, @sehaas,

I got it working now :slight_smile:

@sehaas As I am new to docker, could you help me to ‘mount’ the three parts mentioned and where I can find the yml-file to modify?

Would this work in Hassio? Or is that not possible because of the Resin-OS it is based on?

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Is this compatible with a hassio install on a generic Linux host?

Raspbian stretch

And Debian stretch?

Doesn’t fit on a raspberry ;-), but as far as I know it’s based on Debian

This would make a killer hassio addon :exploding_head:


I am working on it:


Great @mbitard!

Looking forward to test your alpha/beta/final :heart_eyes: and help debugging if needed :blush:

Just out of curiosity: Would their be any way (theoretically in the signal implementation) to also receive messages in home assistant?

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Yes of course it’s possible I have a working POC on my machine.

Right now I’m only working on sending message from home assistant to a user, but once it’s done I think it’ll be quite simple to do the other way around.

If someone want to try it, install the addon, (It assumes you already have a .signal folder in your config directory) and, from another addon (like the ssh addon), you can try it with curl http://4a36bbd1-signal:5000/message --request POST --data '{"number":"+yourphonenumber","content":"tralalayoupi"}' --header "Content-Type: application/json"


Actually I don’t have any .signal folder (yet). Do you plan a easier onboarding/configuriaton/setup with the hassio addon in the future?