Use sonoff rf bridge to link 433mhz doorbell to HA?

I have been looking at ways of hooking my existing dumb doorbell into home assistant. I would like to be able to set up a simple notification, play doorbell sound on my sonos speakers, flash some lights and possibly even pause sky box if I’m watching tv (except on halloween!). I have seen a few solutions using arduino but that’s a bit new to me.

I am wondering if the sonoff rf bridge (probably with tasmota software) is an easy way to link everything together and a relatively neat and quick solution or am I misunderstanding the way the bridge works? I have a broadlink rm pro but this wont work as its only in listening mode when learning a code. I am hoping the sonoff is different

Anyone else done this? Tips gratefully received

How dumb is your dumb doorbell?

Does it currently use 433Mhz to transmit a signal anywhere?

First you may want to check what type of chip your 433mhz door bell uses. I use 1527 type (433mhz door/motion/smoke sensors) and it’s compatible with the Sonoff RF bridge. I flashed my RF bridge with Espurna firmware and used it in MQTT Bridge mode. When the button is pressed the RF bridge picks up and forward the message to your HA. You can then use it to trigger other things.

Sorry should’ve said it is wireless and is 433mhz

Not sure if I can get it open. Will have a look. The receiver unit has a plug through socket hence not sure how accessible it will be.

Doorbell is quite old am hoping there is nothing special about the rf signal. Is the sonoff RF Bridge so particular?

If you happen to be running HA on raspberry Pi, then you can just add RF receiver to the Pi and listen on the 433mhz signal from your doorbell. Here is an example: using RF receiver/sender with HA on Pi

I am running on a raspberry pi with hassio. Wasn’t sure of the install procedure on Hassio. Also is the range ok?

I just checked I don’t think I can get it open without breaking it. Only 2 removable screws the 2 screws in the centre aren’t standard they look like the need a special adapter to get them out.

It’s a Byron doorbell the receiver module is b306 but can’t seem to find any specs that say what rf chip is used

I have one of Byrons (BY514, chip pt4317-s), and my RF bridge cannot not pick up its signal.
I’m waiting for an Arduino Mega board to flash it with RFLink and connect to RPi3 as that RFLink seems to be very good in terms of hardware support comparing to SONOFF.

The Sonoff RF bridge can support several chips (their website said - The receiving supports fixed code encoding, like PT2260, PT2262, PT2264, EV1527, etc. Not support to learn rolling code and dynamic code). I honestly never tried other type except 1527.

Have you tried using your broadlink rm pro to learn the transmitter code?

The transmitter is the push button. I think if you can take a look at the board inside, you may find some info on the chip. I think it can be taken apart to replace a battery any way?

Picture of the chip inside the bell. Just tried to get the broadlink to learn the code. It learns the code but only works once after a button press from the bell. After that no response from broadlink until I press the doorbell button again. I don’t relearn the code in between???

Edit: I think I just can’t send the code too many times in quick succession. Leave a bit of time in between code send from broadlink and works more reliably

Looks like this might work?

Have you managed to get this to work yet?

My addon i posted the link to hasnt worked successfully so I tried the simple receiver plugged into the pi but the range is too short.

I may try this option if I cant improve the range of the receiver

Sorry mate, still waiting for the components to arrive.
Will report back when I have results.

Have been trying to get various HASSIO addons to work without much success. However on doing some research into these components and doorbells I wondered if my doorbell had a rolling frequency.

Just done some testing on learning different codes after a bell push and it seems that my doorbell alternates between 2 rf codes. Both can be learnt by the broadlink. So it now responds everytime as long as I alternate between code 1 then code 2.

So would I be able to use the sonoff to listen for both codes and have either as a trigger for automations in Home assistant?

why wouldn’t you try yourself? :wink:
2 automation rules, each reacts on its own switch but calls the same service, eh?

I don’t have a sonoff rf so would have to buy one especially. I know they aren’t particularly expensive but I wanted to get an idea if it would work. I would be very frustrated if I spent ages trying to achieve the unachievable!

Sorry, I thought you already have one.
Well, it’s hard to answer your question when having a SONOFF RF bridge but not having an appliance you’re trying to control.
I presume that the bridge can not only receive and learn, but to emit RF codes.
That means that in theory if you know a code, you can copy it and paste into bridge’s settings and then toggle the corresponding switch or issue MQTT command. And if it uses 2 different codes (which is a bit weird to be honest), it should not be a problem - the worst thing you would need to do is allocating 2 switches (and maybe grouping them) to your doorbell.
Don’t know how to help you further.
Anyway, it would not take AGES :wink:

Update: just finished setting up RFLink (on Arduino Mega + receiver + transmitter). It works with all my existing PIRs, door switches and even managed to detect the doorbell button and plenty of neighbours’ outdoors sensors :wink:
On the other hand, the RF bridge (flashed with Espurna and no additional firmware to the RF chip) is unable to detect the doorbell or weather station sensor.

Hello, do you have by chance some sort of step by step guide or video that you followed to accomplish this?