Use specific package as condition next alarm

Hello guys!
I am trying to fill a helper with the nextalarm from my phone. This works fine. The problem is that I it puts in wrong alarms aswell, like calendar alarms. I thought it would be the easiest to only put in the alarms from a certain package (the clock package).
The problem is, I dont know how.
This is how its set up:

service: input_datetime.set_datetime
  entity_id: input_datetime.nextalarms21
  timestamp: '{{ as_timestamp(states.sensor.emils_s21_next_alarm.state)}}'

Is there any way to define the date to the certain package?

this thread might help

Unfortunately this doesnt help me much. I am just trying to add a line of code to the above, to “filter” the data which is put in.
Only the data from the package: my_clock_app

Filter it globally: Sensors | Home Assistant Companion Docs

Filter it for that template only: Add a condition to check the Package attribute (Developer Tools is your friend, could’ve answered this question yourself :slight_smile: )

Theoretically, I know how to do it, but I don’t know how to code it. That’s my problem. I do know the package aswell.

Post your attempt.

I have the same problem. How u resolve them?

I switched to another solution, which has been working great. U can get “Sleep as Android”, which provides MQTT and Webhook support.