Use Z-Wave SmartStart?

Hi Everyone,
Thank you all for helping to contribute to this beautiful project! Is there a way to use Z wave smart start by either scanning the QR code and pasting its value somewhere, or using the Home Assistant app? If not, are there any plans to integrate this? I’m having trouble integrating a ring door sensor that is SmartStart compatible and I know that SmartStart would make initial set up 10 times easier for anyone attempting to pair Z wave devices.

Here is the white paper from Z wave on what is required in a integrate

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None of the zwave integrations support this (zwave, ozw, zwave_js). ZWave-JS will hopefully support it some day.

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Please see + vote for related feature request asking for QR code tags scanning for joining new Zigbee 3.0 devices which if implemented could most likely be reused for SmartStart inclusion in Z-Wave JS:

and also checkout start of Z-Wave Js discussion here:

FYI, it looks like raman325 has started working on adding Z-Wave SmartStart provisioning support to zwave_js WS API in Home Assistant core. Hopefully, that will also lead to frontend support later:


Also FYI; Z-Wave SmartStart QR scanning has been implemented in ZwaveJS2Mqtt’s as proof-of-concept, (feature in UI is however not named “Z-Wave SmartStart” but instead “Inclusion by QR Code”).

Again, please vote for related feature request asking for QR code tags scanning for joining devices:

Why are you calling it a “proof of concept”? It’s fully supported in zwavejs2mqtt.

It is not implemented in the Z-Wave JS integration for Home Assistant, so the fact it is implememented in a other frontend for Z-Wave JS can be said to be a proof of concept as far as Z-Wave JS integration goes.

" Proof of concept (POC ), also known as proof of principle , is a realization of a certain method or idea in order to demonstrate its feasibility,[1] or a demonstration in principle with the aim of verifying that some concept or theory has practical potential. A proof of concept is usually small and may or may not be complete"

Proof of concept is usually small and may or may not be complete" but not always. It can just as well be a proof of concept if someome else implemented it in a other software.