Useful template examples relating to lights that I wish I had known earlier:

I just read the community guide again & notice that it is bad edicate to ask a question, find the answer; then delete the question. Sorry my bad.
Edited Question: “can you hardcode return carriages?”
Answer: Force newlines or linebreaks in a template?

How do you reject a light from a group of entities that the device_class is not 'light"? E.g.

{{expand ( area_entities ( 'office' ))| selectattr ( 'domain' , 'eq' , 'light' ) | map ( attribute = 'entity_id' ) |list}}

Would list all lights in the ‘office’ but it also includes the lights on other device_class’s E.g. the light on the z-wave Smart Power-Switch?

How do you get A lights state (On/Off/unavailable) from the device_id?