Usin ssh terminal in LAN

Hi to all

i have an unconventional problem.

i need to automate a wine cellar using AC.
the cellar is at my friends nanny home, and thus not connected to the internet.

in order to not make him to pay an internet connection i thougth to implement a home assistant automation through a lan in in which a bunch of nodemcu and broadlink RM mini do the heavy job.

mu current problem is that if the raspberry which mounts the hassio is not connect to the internet then it will not sincronize its own time and date resulting that the recorder doesn’t work. (i end up with an empty database)

i thought that a possible solution could be to connect the raspberry to the modem via ethernet and connect it trough wifi to an hotspot i make with my smartphon ( just to make the time sincronization).

in order to set all the connections i tried to set up che add-on alles SSH Web Terminal but it gives me an error if i run it when the hassio is connected just to the lan (and so not to the internet)

does anyone have any solution for my problem ?
or is there another way i can take to make my wine cellar automated?

What about to mount a RTC on the RPi?
You should just use a small module and hook it on the I2C GPIO.

I would take the pi to an internet connection where ethernet can connect without configuration in ssh.

Yes, but the problem is that actually the cellar is made out of three rooms and so three AC… I’m kind of forced to use three different nodemcu… Also I will have the same problem, since it is related to the fact that the place doesn’t have an internet connection

Thanks for your reply anyway

Yes that’s exactly what I thought…

I have the raspberry pi in a LAN which is not connected to the internet… To make the time sinc, I have to connect it to the internet…

I thought, I can use the WiFi to connect it to an hotspot created by my smartphone and the work is done!..
Well it’s two days that I’m trying…

I found out that by using the SSH web terminal i can modify both ethernet and WiFi connection… But it seems that this add-on needs the internet connection itself… So… I’m stucked anyway…

I wonder if there is a way… Like the one I use to set the WiFi connection settings ( saving the my-network file in the SD card under CONFIG/network)… To set both ethernet and WiFi connection … In order to have both available for the raspberry pi…

The RTC sounds much easier.

Okay, I misunderstood the first message from HomAut…
How do I integrate this chip in hassio then? In order to make it set the time,


Probably best to install raspbian and then install hassio over the top of that.

I did some research…
Apparently one option could be to install hassio from docker… But with the new debian-buster it seems that docker is not working… Have you got any experience?

And still I’m not sure yet if the hassio will sinc the date with the raspberry (so RTC) or with the NTP…
My problem seems to be not possible to solve easily.

I’m starting to think that i should connect the cellar to the internet :unamused:

If you install hassio over debian then the OS (ie debian) is responsible for the date and time.

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Does Hassbian this too?
Then might be a good chance.
Anyway it might be possible to install your preferred distro and use python virtual environment or to install docker and activate the homehassistant container.

hi i tried both:

-in virtual enviornment i dont have hassio and so i dont know how to intall mosquitto and the smart ir custom component.

in docker i’ve got stucked with the docker installation (i suppouse because the vew raspbian buster has some issues not solved jet.

I’d rectify that with docker might be a little problem to pass the time information to the container. Perhaps the host should do as NTP server, with its RTC.

You can install hassio over the top of raspbian.

yes… but throught doker only as i read.

docker, yes. What is your difficulty with that?

That’s what hassio is. It runs on docker.

wait… i may be mistaken… but here is what i understood.
there are three ways to run HA.

  • on virtual enviornment ( but it’ll be homeassistant only)
  • on raspbian trought docker (it will be hassio)
  • as a stand alone OS (hassio)

am i correct?

Missing one :smiley:
Installed by python and run by a specific user. No virtual environment, python runs with the global setup.

oh nice, thanks!

but will it be hassio or the old version of home assisatant?