Using a pressure sensor in combination with ESP D1 mini /ads1115/level converter

Only if you have a protocol analyser that can decode I2C.

Your signal is digitised by the ADS1115 and sent as digital information on the I2C bus, first at 5v logic then 3.3v logic after the level shifter.

OHHHHHHHhhhh! Hang on.

You are trying to read the signal on the A0 ADC pin. Nothing should be connected to that if you have the circuit shown above that uses an external analogue to digital converter.

You need to add the ADS1115 component in esphome. That is where your signal will come in via the I2C bus.

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Thank you very very much Tom; it works now! :bowing_man: :+1: :sparkler:

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Hi Tom, I have built the above circuit exactly and I’m confident in my wiring, everything looks fine. The board is a esp8266mod12-f and esp home defaults to esp01_1m. If I change the board to d1_mini it won’t boot, if I leave it as esp01_1m it boots fine but won’t find the ADS1115 on the i2c bus. I’m a bit stuck. Any thoughts gratefully received! Thanks, Andrew.

Actually the not booting was a red herring, that was a wifi issue. What I found out was that if I wired the circuit using HV3 & HV4 to LV3 & 4 on the logic level shifter, the ADS1115 wasn’t seen. I changed the wiring to use HV1 & 2 to LV1 & 2 and it started working immediately. No idea why but I’m happy!

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