Using a TV as a Household Digital DAKBoard...?

So I’m looking at this concept: DAKBoard

But, as I am an HA Koolaid drinker, I think DIY and open source is better, and I’d like to find the right integration that can deliver this type of function for the house.

The original idea was to be able to have our shared Google Calendar ( I know…cloud ), visible on the wall next to a task list for the day which would show all of our scheduled appointments as a family, and a list of tasks that each of us are responsible for.

I’ve looked at media servers and things like DAKBoard, but I’m wondering if this can’t be achieved using HA’s front end, or if there’s a solution that integrates with HA to provide this type of functionality.

Anyone have any ideas?

Have a look at a similar project of mine
You don’t really need any seperate integration as everything can already be achieved within HA.

You can create a dedicated lovelace tab for this purpose alone. There are existing custom cards (for example) to display your calendars, or pretty much anything else.

*edit : I also started this project using Dakboard.
However, after putting some effort into it, I’ve figured that a lovelace tab is much more powerful, local and allows you to display not only your calendars or notes, but also other important stuff (such as camera alerts) or even allows you to play music directly within HA.

Have a look at my project for further inspiration.

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Could ha cast and a Chromecast do the trick?

In my experience it did not work. All the custom cards would not load when using ha cast.
That’s why I invested in an android tv box that runs ha on the browser.

The only place I’m stuck is getting a Google Calendar that looks like a “week view” calendar with colored blocks of time like the normal Google Calendar does.

The lovelace widget does month and day view, and the day view is just a list of appointments. Is there a custom card somewhere that makes the calendar more visual for quick glances?

I have a 24inch screen in a frame. Attached to a rPi3B. This rPi runs a chilipie-kiosk. I show a lovelave dashboard. Thats it. No additional technology required, all sensor which are in HA can be used. Its my perfect solution. Before that I had a magic mirror running.

Personally, I am using this custom card. I believe there is a colored week view. Have a look at the repository.