Using Bluetooth LE Tracker to track Mi Band - not added to known_devices.yaml


I am trying to use the Bluetooth LE Tracker to track a fitness band Mi Band.
I have enabled Bluetootle LE by adding the following to my device tracker list:

  • platform: nmap_tracker
  • platform: bluetooth_le_tracker

There are no error is the log that I see are connected to the Bluetooth and I have restartet HA several times without the device showing up in the known_devices.yaml file. I have also tried to keep my phone searching for bluetoot devices when rebooting HA, but no luck. Is there a step I am missing?

Thanks in advance!


I have the same band, so it would be interesting to use in in this way. However, it is mentioned that:

As some BT LE devices change their MAC address regularly, a new device is only discovered when it has been seen 5 times. Some BTLE devices (e.g. fitness trackers) are only visible to the devices that they are paired with. In this case, the BTLE tracker won’t see this device.

So I guess it is the case.

True, looked at that myself, but I can’t get it to find my iphone either… But very hard to see if it is actually scanning for something or if it is missing access etc… No errors in the log. I’ve turned the bluetooth on my phone on/off 4-5 times and restarted HA 3 times over a span of 2 hours.

I have the same problem. But launching the command “sudo hcitool lescan” I can see my MI Band 2.
So I can’t understand why HA isn’t able to see it. Maybe I’m wrong or missing something.
I’ll appreciate your support.
Thank you

Any success story here? there is an option in mi fit - which switches on visibility and warns on higher battery consumption. Can it do the trick?

I cant even find my Mi Band using bluetooth so no luck…

My Mi band was found immediately but I had to disable the BLE tracker due to huge impact on performance of my RPI3.

The name of my band was MI1S in known_devices.yaml

Hmm, anything you did in particular?

I’ve just followed instructions for BLE tracker, nothing extra at all.

Same here. If you search this board you will find the “room assistant” it works flawlessly and without the perfomance impact

could you provide me with a link? Found this, but it had performance impacts… New HA 0.27 and Bluetooth LE tracker

Could you give us a link?
I cannot find “room assistant” or is not clear what to look at in search results.

Do I understand correctly that you need an additional device to make it work?

All a i have is a RPi3 with built in BT module.

Could you please elaborate your implementation of this ‘room presence’ with BT LE?

See this post for Mi Band 3 tracking via ESP32 and ESPHome:

I’m aware this is very old topic, but I have Mi Band 4 and brandly new Mi Band 6 that should be discoverable (as set on Mi Fit), but I see that BLE tracker doesn’t find devices in known_devices.yaml. Does anyone of you or somebody else managed to do that?

Right now I have only HA, no e.g. ESPHome system