Using Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) Data

Use your phone.

Iā€™m using a Dexcom One that is restripted on purpose by Dexcom! So not sure If I can do it that way!

I had never heard of the Dexcom ONE, but googling it presented a news release of April 1, 2022. Comparing the specs, I canā€™t find any difference from a Dexcom G6.

It canā€™t hurt to try installing the Dexcom Integration. It has no effect on the function of the CGM, but the integration logs on to Dexcom as you to get the readings. If it doesnā€™t work, you just delete the integration.

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Yes Dexcom One is no different they just changed the firmware on it to stop you using a watch and other little things, but Thanks for saying to use the Dreaded Dexcom! :-1: ! :rofl: :grinning:

Iā€™ve been trying to figure a little and see I cannot find Sensor Age but had a feeling that it would be documented
as event type for me adding information When I changed the Prime/Fill to say I had changed my insulin cartridge,
But it did not give a correct time.

And only shows

eventType: ā€œInsulin Changeā€
insulin change

when using

But I have found Dexcoms API site too which not had much time or chance to look at it yet but also might be able to use this too if I was on a G6

I already have the Dexcom App in HA which I cannot use!
you need the receiver! My GPS and specilist wont give me one!

The App interferes with xdrip and I will not take that off at all!

I also donā€™t add my details into Dexcom at all they go into AAPS nightscout and xdrip so I dont want to be using more APP or they et missed by me!

Iā€™m just requesting again for a Dexcom One Receiver to see if I can do it this way too!

?? No. I havenā€™t turned my Dexcom receiver on for more than a year. Everything comes through my phone.

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yes but i need a patch app to do it and then that messes up my supper xdrip so im not wanting to use the patch!

You cannot run both at the same time unless you use that patch was a while ago when I stopped using it so it might have improved I wonā€™t know! But thank you for reminding me to not need a receiver. :thinking: :rofl: :upside_down_face:

@Thediabeticway I have shown you a way to get sensor age into HA. So Iā€™m not going to discuss that further.

Is there anything else youā€™re having problems with?

I will carry on tryign to get it into HA the way it should be put into Ha!

I found this thread while trying to make a nice looking chart for my glucose data. I use the mini-graph card for some of my other sensors but I didnā€™t love it for glucose until I came up with an interesting hack.

Iā€™ve created two template ā€œsensorsā€ that are just {{180}} for sensor.glucose_high and {{65}} for sensor.glucose_low which Iā€™m then able to show as entities on the graph. Essentially hacking in high and low bars like you have in the dexcom app. I think it looks really nice! Hereā€™s a screenshot and my full yaml for the card:


type: custom:mini-graph-card
  - entity: sensor.dexcom_glucose_value
    name: Glucose
    show_fill: true
  - entity: sensor.glucose_high
    color: yellow
    show_fill: false
  - entity: sensor.glucose_low
    color: red
    show_fill: true
name: Glucose
align_state: center
align_header: center
hours_to_show: 6
points_per_hour: 4
height: 250
decimals: 0
min_bound_range: 175
color_thresholds_transition: hard
  - value: 0
    color: red
  - value: 71
    color: white
  - value: 176
    color: yellow
  legend: false
  icon: false
  fill: true
  fade: true